
jokes on me.

today work was a bit slow.  ugh. 
but regardless, i am so thankful for work!

the other day i got to talk to abby c. on the phone.
for almost an hour and a half!
so nice to talk to her...i just love her!

if there's one thing i love more than running, it's running with awesome company.
tonight i ran a whopping 6 miles with karen c.
i thought we were running 3-4.  jokes on me haha.
but it's a good i didn't know cause i might not have ran had i known that!
the run was actually really good. and yes, we talk the whole time.
i got to hear a lot about her recent life and separation.
some people are just so strong it's amazing.
we had some great heart to hearts all while burning some awesome calories.
working on our temples while growing connections.
does it get much better than that?!

please keep her in your prayers during this transition time.
i'm praying {like i do when most people go through rough times} that the Lord makes Himself so present to her and gives her proof that He has His hand in the situation.
i love that woman, and hope she knows how much she is loved by her Heavenly Father.

every day this week has felt like friday.
tomorrow is finally friday.  boo yah.

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