
i saw a live birth!

last thursday i got to see a labor and delivery!
and yet, i forgot to blog about it when it happened!
anyways, i watched a beautiful baby girl enter the world.  
she was precious and so perfect...and came out in one push.
{side note: can this please be my birth story years from now?!}
the doctors had no gloves or gowns on.  
we just thought we were doing a trial push and would prepare if she started coming.
but low and behold that babe was ready! she came all the way out on one push...and the dr. told her to stop but it was too late.
this little lady was making her appearance at 7:55 am.
her mother was 19 and her father wasn't much older--and mom was tired and not too excited.
which kinda made it hard for me to get excited.  
you always picture the parents being beyond excited and getting emotional.
but this did not happen.  so it was kinda an amazing experience, in a different way than usual.

the girl of life is just so amazing and such a miracle.  
and i am so beyond grateful that i got to experience it.
but i will admit.....adoption was looking like an awesome option that night
i give major props to any mom who has had a baby cause man! that looks not so fun! not to mention that after care is a nurse inflicting pain to make sure she isn't bleeding out.  
important stuff, for sure.  but must we do that?!
the nurse told me that it's no pain compared to when she is in active labor.
touche, RN, touche!

when i txted my mom that i saw a birth and didn't want to go through that any time soon she said, "well it's not my favorite thing to do..."  uhhhh DUH!
but my nurse that day, sue, who was AWESOME said it's totally worth it.

now today, i had my last long day on post partum!
man, as much as i have loved it, i am so ready to be done and moving on.
my patient was 19 years old....and the baby daddy?  
brace yourselves.
was a whopping 45 years old.  you cannot make this stuff up!
talk about a culture difference.  but they were both so compliant and super easy {and then i felt all horrible for judging the situation before i even walked in.  that's what you get, ann.}

then came back and did a tiny bit of studying.
and had a great theological talk with elizabeth and colleen about Christianity and how we think it's right.  yet, Muslims think that their religion is just as right.  and how do we know (other than the obvious, and utilizing faith).  but there were some good thoughts going around.

exams are going to kill me. 
and tonight i'm wishing i wasn't in nursing school--not just becuase it's hard and super challenging.  but i don't really know if this is where i'm supposed to be and what i'm supposed to be doing.  
am i utilizing my gifts to the best of their ability?  i feel like i'm not. i feel like i missed the 'turn here' signal long ago.

i'm not in love with nursing.
i don't long to go to clinical.
and i just kinda wish i did.

so, if i fail this semester {which is still a possibility, depending on how this exam on wednesday goes}, then i will get to do something amazing that i've always wanted to do. i would nanny out of the country.

and honestly?
i'd be really OK if that happened.
humbled to the max....but totally OK.

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