
Easter: part 2 of 2012

yesterday we all had dinner at my house for Easter.
it was so fun, and i was exhausted driving back to school.

at church i got to sit with cassie and josiah and eden.
they are seriously such an amazing family.
she is one of the few people that asks me to sit with them.
although i asked yesterday, she has asked in the past so i feel not so bad.
i always feel weird cause its family time, and then i sit on in.
but i need to get over this!

so enjoy some Easter pics at the gardner household :).

{kel and tim}

{lori and dave!}

{gma, me, molly}

{me and kel}

{all the kids}

{the ladies}

{don't mind kelly....the little ham!}

{me and my main man}

love Easter and what He did on that cross.
thanks, God. 

'and i remember the nails that you took for me.
when you died in my shame, iniquities.
Jesus, you have set me free.
the thorns of my pain you wore in the crown,
when you bowed your head, your love was poured out.
my chains hit the ground.'
--my chains hit the ground, leeland

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