
no homework for 4 months?! heck yeah!

its been a busy busy 24 hours, but i am home.
everything packed up from school and my current room looks like a bomb went off.
but i'm hooome.  and that's a great feeling. 
no homework for 4 months?!  heck yeah.
yesterdays theory exam was super rough!!  
and that was the general consensus, which makes me feel better.
i didn't do too well on it, but still passed the class.  yay!

the night before the exam i spent it at brian and abbeys house.
i just needed to sleep well.
i will miss them so much, and already do.

it hasn't really hit me that it's summer--i feel i'll be back after the weekend.
but when it does hit me, i get all sentimental.
it's sad to say goodbye to everyone for the summer
{and since i live 2 hours away, i don't really see anyone other than maybe once}
and they'll all be living off campus next year.  boo.
at dinner last night it kinda hit and i hate it.
i hate saying goodbye, packing, unpacking, studying, and finals.
all of which i had to do this week!

it's crazy to think that i almost didn't choose Malone.
and how i hated it the first year (mainly due to my depression).
now i can't imagine my life anywhere else.
the friends i've made make it all worth it.

side note this this is already so random:
as abbey and i study the women of the bible, i am loooving it!
i never really knew the story of ruth or hannah.
now i am even more certain i want to have ruth in my daughter's name {my gma's name is ruth, too, but this confirms the want!}
and hannah?  oh man.  her man's love for her is amazing.
even though he had another wife, and she was barren, he loved her.
it just blows my mind to see that kind of love!
and how she was so raw before the Lord in her barrenness pains.
what a great example all these women are.

{love these girlies}

tonight the fam played settlers of catan.
love that game!
we quit early cause everyone was bored, but dad and i tied for leading.
i hope they enjoy it more in the future :).

AND i officially got a job at the pediatric office!
i am super nervous cause it will be lots of new learning, but i am praying that it is a great opportunity.

OH, and i was reminded of this time a couple weeks ago at clinical.
we were playing spades and at one point i said:
'heather, did you just renig?!'
'yes i did'
so matter of fact.  it was hilarious.
ok.  enough random stuff.  off to bed!

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