
it meets us where we're at.

today i got to eat lunch with one of my besties, rachel w.
she just got back from spending 10 days in africa.
man, do i love hearing about her trips! 
and i just love her heart for the Lord through nursing.
she got to deliver more african babies and i couldn't be happier for her!!

i put something on facebook the other day about how i am so blown away at how intimately the Lord knows my heart and what i need before i even ask.
friendships like her are reasons i have those thoughts.

i also heard the song 'colder weather', by zac brown band, the other day.
every time i hear it i think of the K-L family.
it was one of rachel's favorite, and we would play it on repeat often.
{brandon worked out of state most days of the week at that time}
i just love that music can meet us where we are.
it can so intimately match our emotions that we don't know ourselves how to put into words.
and i love how i can associate songs with those friendships that i love.  
it makes the song so special each and every time.  
one of the big reasons that i love music more than a lot of things.

and songs are a lot like God--in the sense that He meets us where we're at.
He said, 'i love you most' no matter what i do.
He earnestly desires my time, attention, and affection.
but at the same time, He tells me to come just as i am.
broken, bruised, not put together, and all worries or stressed about life.
He meets me just where i am at.  not where i want to be.
but He so amazingly brings me to those places i want to be, if i let Him.
ah.  it's so so good.  and i am so undeserving.

He is faithful in so many areas, can i brag about just one more?
i got a call today from the pediatrician office i wanted to tech for.
at first they said that they only needed part time.
so i started looking at other job opportunities.
but today they said they need someone 36-40 hrs a week!
how amazing is that?!
while i was excited about possibly nannying for this family, this will allow me to have much more experiencing.
it is with a clinic and i would get to do blood drawl, urine sample, throat culture, wellness visits, ect.
i am so blown away at this answer to prayer.
praying that it all works out!
but not my will, but Your will, be done.

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