today at church we talked about hosea 3:1-5 {which is the whole chapter}
along with that passage, we did a lot of talking about how the jewish marriages in that time are used as such symbolism in the bible.
and i realized that there is a LOT of symbolism i have missed in the past.
and then we talked about the parable of the 10 virgins--how 5 were ready for the bride (aka Jesus) and 5 were not. and then todd {the youth pastor who gave the message} talked about how those 5 virgins were unprepared, short-sighted, and distracted.
unprepared in not being in the Word daily and knowing what He says.
short-sighted is spending time elsewhere, such as playing video games for 4 hours a day and not spending it investing in relationships or in time with the Lord.
distracted by the things of this world that seem oh so delightful.
todd challenged us to think of ways we're like these virgins and man the Lord spoke to me.
he told me that my body image has become my god.
as in, the body that He created and formed to bring Him glory is something i place above him.
it consumed me. all day, every day.
i worry about calories like it's my flipping job. and i don't ever like the weight i'm at.
it's my god. and it's consuming so much of my life and happiness.
the way that i want approval from people? yeah, that's also a god.
i need to be talking to people at church {or other events} to feel included. loved. worthy.
just today i was feeling like no one wanted to talk to me. it matters so much cause it's a god.
the way i'm extremely insecure about everything? another god in my life.
why can't i just accept that my body is the way He wants? and He loves it for what it is.
why can't i get over the fact that not everyone has to like me for me to be loved? {and if i'm a true believer there will be many who don't like me}
why can't i walk confidently in the fact that i am a daughter of the King of the universe who loves and desires my HEART?! {which happens to be the well spring of life!}.
so tonight i went to the place where i had my first kiss.
i feel it represents so much of myself--where i let a boy take a place in my heart that was not meant for him.
the place where i let a boy in, and in exchange, yes, there was temporary happiness and excitement and thrill. but ultimately got a bag of hurt, insecurity, and approval issues.
i wanted his approval....and i got it. but not for long.
i wanted him to think i was beautiful...and he did. but not long enough.
i wanted him to want me....and boy did he! but only till someone better came along.
in no way, shape or form do i blame him.
and in no way do i think of him as some evil guy. {a lot of blessing came from the situation}
i made him an idol. i put him before my relationship with the Lord.
and when you do that with anyone you get hurt and disappointment.
but the thing is, i've let them be carried by me WAY too long.
so as i went there i laid all those burdens out to the Lord.
my insecurities in myself, my need for approval and a 'perfect' body.
my burden was heavy, but His is light. i'm ready to exchange them out.
and honestly? i don't really know how.
but through lots of prayer it will be a process that i'm sure the Lord can work in.
i do know i want to be one of those 5 virgins that are ready for the groom!
i don't want him shutting the door to Heaven on me saying, 'i don't know you'.
gosh, i don't want that!
so i'll fight to do better and be more prepared. cause there is always something i should be doing better.
and today was just so stinking good! such an eye opener.
after church i went to aubrey's 2 year old party.
and got to do one of my favorite things...bake!
church and baking in the same day? yes please!
i then got to talk to brenda tonight from the haiti mission trip.
she is such a sweet southern lady and i love her already.
she was so much more personable on the phone and i can't wait to meet her!
those are my thoughts from today.
hope your weekend was great, too.
another week to come....and another week closer to Haiti! :)