
spiritual warfare

the other day i mentioned getting the book Spiritual Warfare from my haiti team.
i had the day off work today so i got a chance to start it and WOW is all i can say.
it is an amazing book and is speaking to me on many levels.
instead of writing in my journal what i am learning so far, i'm going to write on here.
{sometimes it's easy to say 'i am getting a lot out of this book of the Bible!' to only know the chapters you're reading--not really taking time to listen to what it is saying to you}

1.  i am learning that Spiritual warfare is everywhere.  that may seem really obvious, but it wasn't to me.  we even talked a bit about this at bible study how there are lots of demonic powers, but they are hidden so well by the enemy that we don't classify them as what they are.  while some cases are easier to classify, just the simple fact that Satan is on guard every stinking minute is imperative.  

2.  with that, it is important to not over value or under value Satan.  if we over value him, we give him a position that is not rightfully his.  if we under value him, it is easy to slack {like when you're in battle and are always more lax if you don't think an attack is coming soon}.  we are told to be sober, alert, serious, and vigilant for a reason.

3.  with that, Satan cannot do anything without God's permission {like in the book of Job}.  Satan is merely a fallen angel {angel means messenger in greek}

4.  His purpose and desire is to be glorified in our life.  Satan tempts us in order to keep God from being glorified.  we have an enemy that is intended on robbing God of His glory in our lives.  God is glorified when we are conformed to the image of Christ and live like Him.  He is glorified when we abide in Him, live the Christlike life, and are filled and controlled by His Holy Spirit.  He saves us, redeems us, restores us to a relationship with Himself, gives us a new life in Christ, and fills us with His Spirit not exclusively for our blessing but for His glory.  {much of this was quoted from the book.  good stuff}

5.  when we act in ways that are contrast to what God tells us to do, someone is deceiving us.  Satan works in the mind.  if he can get us to doubt the Lord's word, he has done his job. 

on a personal note, i feel my depression that i have struggled with is completely a spiritual warfare.  i let Satan sneak in and tell me things against the truth.  one of the examples in the book was when we wake up and think 'it's going to be one of those days.'  that thought is not of Jesus, for we are told this is the day the Lord has made, to rejoice and be glad in it.  

i need to hold my thoughts much more captive.  i need to start memorizing scripture to fight these spiritual battles.  i am in love with this book and can't wait to see what the Lord teaches me through it!

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