
trees trees everywhere.

well last night i was on my way home from the cowie's house.
all the sudden it's torrential downpour and trees falling everywhere.
they were rolling onto the street, and i could barely see.
it was the scariest thing ever.
i kept seeing 'death by tree accident' on the obituary LOL.
and i'm 100% sure that it was by the grace of God that i survived unharmed.
i got trapped at several places and didn't know if i would make it home.
i was driving on the side walk at one point and praying a car didn't come the other direction cause i couldn't really see anything.

i got home and my parents and neighbors swore they heard the 'freight train' that every one talks about.
and now we're out of power as of 5 pm last night......5-7 days is the estimate of power return.
{we have a small generator so this is how i have internet access}
it's noon and i'm BORED.
i've already gotten my run in for the day and there is not much to do.
i could run errands but all the stores are closed too.
it's gonna be a long weekend!  

{maple tree down on mulberry street}

looks like i'll be plenty caught up on my sleep the next couple days seeing i'll be livin like the amish and off to bed when the sun goes down!

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