
amazing women and the sincerity of and reassurance from kids.

my women's bible study is the bomb! 
like, honestly.  i love those ladies so much.
we met tonight and had some GREAT discussion.
we're going through women in the bible and we've done Eve and Sarah.
who knew there was soo much to learn from them!  well there is.
it was just so nice to see everyone again. and makes me that much more sad to leave soon.
cassie was so funny, as usual. and linds was all over.
it was a very ADD style bible study, but that's the style i love!
we even talked for a while about the Duggars (19 kids and counting).

today, while babysitting, i was with meika.
we went to the pool and louisa took a good 5 minutes to stop hugging me at first. how precious!
jenny had her surgery and did great! 
but rebecca {age 6} and i had this convo while talking about hospitals/surgery/my job:

me: 'rebecca, did you know i am going to be a nurse someday?'
becca: '(gasp!) what kind of nurse do you want to be?'
me: 'i want to be a pediatric nurse.  that is one that helps kids who are sick.'
becca (with BIG eyes): 'you will be SO good at that!'

i tell you it was possibly the cutest thing ever.
her heart was so sincere and honest. and it melted my heart.
i guess you can say moments like that give me clarity {which i had been asking for.}
as sick of babysitting as i am, you can never beat the honesty and sincerity of a kid. 
she was also asking me today about Adam and Eve having belly buttons.
what a smart kid she is. and how i will miss what i do this semester.

so in honor of my becca boo, some photos from vaca. 
sorry if any are re-posts!

 {this was about 7 am. helllllo world!}

{in the car to hilton head!}
 {more pics at grammy's in SC}

happy thursday!
i have (yet again) the day off tomorrow.
i will be running errands like crazy :].

hope your week is going GREAT.

p.s...did i say i was in hilton head the last week of vaca? cause that's where we were! and now you know!

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