
just another day in paradise. kinda.

i'm tired, i'm tired, i'm tired.
can i say it one more time?  I'M TIRED!!

today we had a great morning at the beach and the kids were really pretty good.
did some sand castle building, body surfing. the usual beach stuff.
came back at almost 2 pm, hung out, and then went to dinner.
and we were at dinner till almost 9 pm.  for real? that's late for two, two year olds {any maybe for this 20 year old, too!}
my patience is getting thin and my arrogance is through the roof.
this is a serious issue i'm finding.  would you please pray for me?
i'm really struggling with realizing just how arrogant i have become {in regards to parenting.  since i've raised so many children...HAH. see?  how stupid.}

today i got my first bit of burning. 
and ironically, it was the first day i put on sunscreen!
not to mention, there was a bug in the kitchen tonight.
we were taking the food inside from the beach bag {which had a couple bugs sighted inside} and i literally thought: 'a bug is going to crawl out of this cheez-it box. i just know it'.
before i could think twice, so be it! a bug. i literally dropped the box and let out a tiny scream.
jenny and mark came to my rescue, and i spent the next 5 minutes cracking up, while sitting on top of a stool, as they tried to catch and kill the fast little booger. but you better believe he is dead now!

some pics from our night out. 
i'm so exhausted...and so over the whole 'mommy do it!'
but, louisa is becoming my buddy more and more.
but one minute she likes me, and the next?  she screams if i touch her.
um, i'm not a fan of this game.

{well, hello pirate friend}

{um, does it get any cuter than this?! the answer would be nope!}

i'm trying to hold on here.
i'm off to bed. maybe sleep will help me get ready for whatever tomorrow brings!

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