
clinical yesterday.

well this week has been bu-sy! 
had a community exam today and it was rough.
i had been studying a lot for it and it just wasn't what a lot of us expected.
but haven't seen grades yet, so we'll see.

i was at the pregnancy support center yesterday for clinical and oh my gosh.
such a life changing place!
all those women are so enveloped in the love of God it's unreal.
they always pray before the day//meetings//ultra sounds as a staff.
and they get to pray with patients.

i was at clinical with katie w. in my group who is amazing.
she is a mom of 2 kids and i admire her a lot.
she knew the women, bethany, who was at the PCS and was amazing.
katie shared a lot about her past and my heart breaks for her.
her father recently passed away and won't get to see her graduate nursing school
{and she never graduated from HS}
how i take my living parents for granted, that's for sure.

katie went home for our dinner break and invited me with her.
i tell ya, i love getting to know people's families.
her kids were adorable and her husband is so nice.
and we had lasagna, which is my favorite food.  score!

i just really was touched by the day and the ministry they have.
and the fact that i got to know katie a lot better.
i'm hoping to get to go to her house more soon {and she's already invited}.

life is just so precious and amazing.
and seeing that little heart flutter so fast on the ultra sound was unreal.
i know moms have already been through this, but it's my first experience.
what an amazing miracle from God.  i hope to be able to help at a place like that someday.

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