tese next couple of weeks will be filled with homework and such, so back to the weekend.
there was the homecoming game on satuday.
malone was winning when we got there {which was only for halftime} and then they LOST!
it was tragic.
anyways, sara, abby, jess and i went to see halftime stuff and be supportive.
i was such a proud mama cheering and taking pics. so fun!!
{it was coooold. sara, me, jess, abby}
{my favorite. miriam and janet. she's waving to her parents. so precious!}
{such beautiful women, inside and out}
today, rachel, miriam, janet and i played euchre.
rachel and i won.....oh yeah.
we even placed some bets--ramen noodles, passion tea, coffee, and a sunkist drink.
we're rebels, gambling at malone.
and while we're talking about rebels....we bought a candle warmer tonight.
it's really a scentsy. but we're pretty sure its illegal.
but it smells soo good. YOLO.
annnnd it's halloween!
yet, i kept forgetting.
we won't dress up. or go trick or treating.
but we will study and live large by taking trips to gabriel brothers.
and i wouldn't want it any other way!
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