
late night talks, and lack of sleep.

i've readlized one of the best things i like about college is staying up way late having long conversations with my favorite people.
last night, elizabeth and i had an awesome heart to heart.  
it was so good to talk about life...and haiti.
then, colleen joined in.
i was informed that i am SUPER animated {which i knew}.
but here's the issue.  i am animated when things go GOOD.  and when things go BAD. 
so someone confides in me and shares things, and i over exaggerate.
not on purpose....that's just me.
and i am hating that right now.  cause it comes off as so judgmental. 

so i ended up getting about 5 hours of sleep last night.
ugh.  not enough.
and had clinical all day.  which was real good.
my patient is has ESRD {end stage renal disease} and is near her end of life.
sad huh.  someones mom, grandma, great grandma, and (soon to be) great great grandma.

i had the women's bible study tonight and it was really good.
some of those women are extremely full of wisdom and knowledge.
and i feel like i want to get there.
and as i think about why i can't get there, i wonder if it is because i am so stubborn.
i feel God has been shaping me for months now....so why am i still being shaped?!
did i just really have lots of bad areas? that are all being brought up now?
or am i just not willing to do what it takes to change?  or not know what to do and how to do that?
i'm guessing it is the later.  just cause i know how i am.

but here are some pics that have been describing my life lately.

{i spend a lot of time looking at my awesome lights}

{love studying..mmm!}

i'm tired.  and have a million things to do.
and don't know how on EARTH i am going to get it all accomplished.
i pray God gives me the strength to do lots of work and get it all done.

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