
she cried with me.

this half of a week at home was wonderful and so needed.
i got some homework done, but at my own pace.
i could work, take a break, chill.
it was just so good for the soul.

babysat for the gossman's and it was so great to see the kids.
they were so wonderful and we had a great time.
ryan had a slight melt down 10 minutes before bed cause he was drained.
but other than that, it was great.

and going to church was wonderful as always.
i just love my church family. they are the best.
am i sounding like a broken record yet?
plus, i got to get coffee with amanda earlier in the week and catch up on life.
i love her and her heart for Jesus.
the man who gets her heart is one lucky dude.

but when at church, leona asked if school was getting any better.
i told her no and that i was just discouraged.
as i'm talking, tears start running.  and i try to hold it all in.
she asked if she could pray for me.  yess please!
and as we're praying, she starts crying.
like tears running down her face--crying.
she was crying with and for me.
it was as if that verse about taking on one another's burdens was lived out in front of me.
i have never had that happen and in that moment i felt Jesus.
as if he was right there.  loving on me personally.
and it was so magical. and so needed.

then mitch came up and hugged us and starts saying "mmm Jesus, Jesus" in his mocking sort of way.
he totally ruined the moment....but he's my brother, so it's ok. haha.
i wouldn't really expect anything less anyways from him! 
and he apologized after wards. so we're good.
i just feel like God moves in so many huge ways {while using normal people} when i'm home at church.  it is such a blessing.  way  more than words can even ever express.

and then i got to talk to brook last night.
we're in a bit of the same boat, and it was nice to just bounce what we've been learning off of each other.
she is such a blessing.  i love her so much.

and on the way back to school i listened to Phil Wickham's new CD.
it is amazing.  and i have a feeling it will get me through this semester.

fun fact of the day:  a baby drinks the amniotic fluid.  and then pees into it.  then repeats.  how neat is that?!  loooving my maternity rotation so far!

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