
Jesus holds my heart. so do disney princesses.

tonight was amazing and so so needed.
i went shopping with my mom today and then babysat my 4 princesses.
we had a dance party and dressed up.

{my biggest princess}
 {they talked me into this...}

when the big girls were in bed, i layed down with rebecca for a bit. 
margaret came to join. and we talked.  and talked and talked.
about boys, school, college, roommates, ect.
i tell ya, it was such a special night.
when the girls asked about me having a boyfriend, i told them about alex s.
i said i like him as a friend, and am not sure if i like him more.
i said he loves Jesus with his whole heart. to which rebecca says:

'i love Jesus and God with my whole heart, too.  and a teeny, teeny, tiny bit of my heart loves disney princesses, too.'

how stinking precious.  i wanted to die right then and there and go meet Jesus.
then, they gave me the best advice. they said:

' can't you just go on ONE date with alex.  just ONE to get to know him better?'

yeah.  yeah, i can.  thanks 6 year old and 4 year old wisdom.  what would i do without it?

rebecca also has turned down a proposal.  she likes the guy, but says: 'if i said yes, he would have kissed me in the lunch room.  and that's embarrassing. i did NOT want that!' hoow sweet she is.

it was just so so special to sit and have big girl talk with them.
they are such a blessing.
i can't believe college takes me away from them so much of the year.

what a great night.
i love nights like these.
off to church tomorrow.  another fav of the week!

oh.  have i mentioned it's good to be home?
cause it totally is.

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