
we just chilled.

since break is just around the corner, the school load has been a little lighter.
it's been wonderful to not have so much to do.
although i should be trying to get ahead.
tonight, while babysitting, i was able to watch TV with a baby on my lap. 
and i didn't have to feel like i should be doing homework.
{i did do some homework when they were both sleeping, but that wasn't too long}

speaking of, those boys are just such a blessing.
i left today just in awe of how lucky i am to be with them.
i pray those boys learn to grow and love the Lord and pursue a relationship with Him.

{me and mr. p.  he didn't sleep too much today so he chilled with me.}

{Duke is abbey's favorite team--they won last night. so the boys are sporting their duke onesies}

tomorrow i'm going to see twilight at midnight.
heck to the yeah.
let's hope i can stay up!
i've been so exhausted, and hoping i am not catching something.

it's wednesday.
and officially in less than 1 week i'll be home!

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