
a mentor and an answered prayer.

for the last several months i have been praying a lot about a mentor.
i feel they are SO valuable, and can help us young-ins to learn a lot about life.
for the last several months i haven't felt the Lord placing anyone on my heart.
i kept saying 'it would be awesome if they approached me, but i doubt that will happen.  so, Lord, place someone on my heart who you feel would be a good mentor'.
i particularly think that it is important since my relationship with my parents isn't the greatest.

and today, my friend abby c. and i were talking about mentors.
i told her i had been really praying about one and hadn't felt any answer.
and she said, what about the mom you babysit for {also named abbey}.
i thought oh my gosh!  why didn't i think of that sooner!
but then i said i need to pray about it cause i am sure she is busy with the boys, bball, and all the other day to day stuff that comes up.
so i left that conversation to go babysit, and was really encouraged that i might have a lead.  still not sure if it was the right lead, but a lead none the less.

lo and behold!
today i go to babysit and after all the normal kid stuff, abbey sits down and says, 'so you can answer either one or neither, whatever you want.  but i haven't been able to get into a bible study due to the boys.  and have really missed out on being involved at church.  so i didn't know if there were any bible studies that you have that you could pass along, or if you wanted to come early one day a week and do some study stuff?'

this is like exactly what i had been praying for!
and exactly what the conversation earlier had been about.
i am beyond excited, i can hardly contain it.
sometimes, God just has to slap me in the face to get it.
and honestly?  i love it when my prayers are answered exactly as i wanted (someone to approach me about the topic).  but i also know that often the Lord makes us step out in faith.
and maybe i need to be better at listening.  cause maybe He was telling me this.  and out of my own insecurities, and not wanting to be a bother to anyone, let that interfere.
and i hope that's not the case.  cause this time He might have worked it out this way, but i could be missing out on some amazing stuff if i'm failing to listen.

either way, i'm elated that the prayer has been--potentially--answered!
oh.  and of course, i went to txt abby c. about the awesome conversation. and what do i do?  i txt abbey who is going to be my 'mentor' type figure! BHAHA.
it was nothing but good stuff in the txt explaining that she wanted to get together and i was super excited, it's just still so embarrassing!!  
oh well.  that's the way the cookie crumbles :)

super long day at clinical tomorrow.
prayers would be awesome!

{they're starting to roll...constantly!  now my job starts to get hard haha}

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