
pour into others.

yesterday i got to see a good friend, amanda c., for dinner and a movie.
we saw 'footloose' and it was so so good!  
i had been wanting to see it and can't believe i waited so long.
it was also great to catch up with her.
time just gets away from both of us so quickly.

today church was great and i am so blessed by that group of people.
abby c. and i have had a lot of good conversations this weekend.
earlier today we were discussing the need to pour into others.
and i felt super convicted as we're sitting there talking about our HS lives.
how we were both so so arrogant and didn't want to listen to anyone.
and how we only would have listened to someone who was college-ish age.
we are really the age that most high school girls look up to.
and i would have peed my pants had a college girl come up and asked me if i wanted to get coffee with her.  and been tickled pink!

well, i felt super convicted because todd g. has been wanting me to get involved with the high school at VGF.  but i am so beyond intimidated with them and because it was uncomfortable, never pursued it.
but guess what.  Christianity isn't about being comfortable.
i really needed someone my current age, when i was their age.
cause i wasn't going to listen to anyone else.
and i just felt like maybe i should be praying about this more.

so, please join me in praying this week (and months) to come.
i can't do anything by my own power, but by His power i certainly can.
and maybe He calls me to pour into these girls.
and maybe not.  but i should be actively praying for wisdom, guidance, and opportunities if it is His will.  and more importantly, the openness to be OK with it all if that's what He wants.
regardless of my own insecurities
(side note: in church today we talked about things that were hard to give up being a Christian.  i mentioned my own 'wants' and 'desires' for His.  and surrendering to the fact that i don't know myself better than anyone else....hmm, i should listen to myself here.)
i'm seeing a common theme here the last several months, and i'm starting to listen--at least really trying to.
and i'm praying that the Lord can break me of these and use them for His glory!

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