throughout the week, there were several songs that were released and made for just for us.
the awesome new is that there were new songs to worship.
but the bad news is that because of that, they're not on CD till march...MARCH!
here were the songs that totally enhanced my experience.
'we raise our white flag, we surrender all to you. all for you.
we raise our white flag, the war is over. love has come. your love has won.
we lift the cross, lift it high, lift it high'
--white flag and the Passion theme song
'let our praise be Your welcome, let our songs be a sign,
we are here for You. we are here for YOU.....
let our shout be your anthem, let our praise fill the skies,
we are here for You. we are here for YOU.
we welcome You with praise, we welcome You with praise.
almighty God of love, be welcomed in this place.
Let every heart adore, let every soul awake.
almighty God of love, be welcomed in this place.'
--we are here for You, matt redman
{this is the song that always played when we were in nosebleed section and bummed. this slapped us into the right mindset, for sure}
'i'm not ashamed of the One who saved my soul.
i'm not ashamed of the One who saved my soul, my soul.
this fire inside of me, is burning for Your name,
i'm not ashamed. NO, NO. (insert fist pump). i'm not ashamed!'
--i'm not ashamed, kristian stanfill
'all i need, i have found.
in my life, Jesus.
more of you, Jesus.
You are the One, You are the One.
in everything, Jesus.
my heart sings, Jesus.
You are the One, You are the One!
--Only One, chris tomlin
'on the altar of our praise, let there be no higher name,
Jesus Son of God.
You laid down your perfect life, you are the sacrifice,
Jesus Son of God.
be lifted higher than all You've overcome,
Your name be louder than any other song.
there is no power that can come against Your love,
the cross was enough, the cross was enough!'
--the cross was enough, chris tomlin
'you are Holy, Holy, Holy
God most high and God most worthy.
You are Holy, Holy, Holy,
Jesus You are!'
who shall we say you are?
you're the living God.
who shall we say you are?
you're the great i am.
the highest name of all,
you're all you say you are'
--holy, matt redman
'i lay me down i'm not my own,
i belong to You alone.
lay me down, lay me down. oh, oh, oh.
lay me down, lay me down. oh, oh, oh.
hand on my heart this much is true,
there's no life apart from You,
lay me down, lay me down.
it will be my joy to say, Your will...Your way!
it will be my joy to say, Your will...Your way!
it will be my joy to say....Your will...Your way....always!'
--lay me down, chris tomlin
'bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul,
worship His Holy name.
sing like never before, O my soul,
i'll worship Your Holy name.'
--bless the Lord, matt redman
'christ has died and Christ has rised,
and Christ will come again!'
--mystery, charlie hall
'yahweh, your name alone be exalted.
yahweh, our hearts are Yours forever.'
--yahweh, chris tomlin
'the cross before me, the world behind me.
i will follow, i will follow.
no turning back. no turning back'
--chris tomlin
'and when shadows fall on us,
we will not fear, we will remember.
when darkness falls on us,
we will not fear, we will remember
we're resting in the shadow of the cross'
--shadows, david crowder band
'i want to love you more and more,
know you and all that Your heart is for.
Jesus, my all in all'
--jesus my all in all, charlie hall
'waiting here for you,
with our hands lifted high in praise.
and its you, we adore, singing alleluia'
--waiting here for you, christy nockels
one night i cried during the 'i will follow, no turning back' and 'white flag'.
something about that night, january 3rd, was just so amazing. i felt so overwhelmed by His love and i wanted to badly to just give my all, ALL the time. there's NO turning back. this relationship is a fighting battle. a battle to be intention and draw near to Him, so He can draw near to me. and a battle that is so so worth it.
it had been my prayer (oddly enough) that i would cry during worship at Passion.
i just feel so intimate with Him during worship, and knew i wanted to get to that place where i was so overwhelmed, i couldn't help but cry. and it happened. i was just so stinking overwhelmed by my almighty Savior!
and on that night of january 3rd, chris tomlin also led us all in 'our god is greater, our god is stronger' in several different languages. it was one of the most amazing things. french, spanish, swahili and many others. it was beyond powerful to have the representation of all the nations, praising our King.
{me and josh at the david crowder band concert!}
{me and josh at the david crowder band concert!}
{david crowder band did their last concert ever at Passion 2012.}
{getting recognized by louie}
{hillsong concert! 5th row--jack, josh, aj, me, susannah}
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