i am feeling beyond blessed tonight.
God is just so so faithful in providing, in ways i don't always expect.
i had been praying for a great church here, and think i have found it.
tonight, i went to a women's bible study and had a wonderful time.
we met at starbucks and talked about philippians 2:1-11.
emily, kristen, sam, me, megan h., abby c., molly, nicole, and someone else i forget.
we had TONS of laughs and did some mixer games.
i really just feel God is placing very spiritually wise women in my life, and i couldn't be more thrilled. i can't wait to see how this evolves through the year.
they were all just so welcoming. and i just kept thinking, 'these girls GET it. they get what it means to live for Christ and show His love'.
just being around them made me want to be a better person.
and before this event, i went to amanda c's bday dinner.
it was so nice to chat with some friends and celebrate amanda.
i feel i have been a horrible friend to her because school has been keeping me so busy and she is off campus. and i feel so guilty. but i'm hoping to get my act together soon.
and clinical today was amazing.
don't know why, but God has certainly been showing me that this is where i am supposed to be.
just in little, stupid, ways.
my patient was amazing and we did a lot of talking today.
she told me that i was awesome and looks forward to me being there tomorrow.
such words to a nursing student are like gold.
and walking in we saw akash's sister who just graduated from malone.
she told us it was great to see us there.
like i said, just a day filled with God's presence and reminder of how awesome He is.
and how i need to not put my faith in the flesh, but in Him alone.
i am so blessed--and don't take enough time to dwell in it.
so tonight? i'm trying to dwell in just that.
i am blessed.
and so thankful for the relationship with the God who blesses me.
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