so the other day i had a revelation.
this who semester i have been dreading school and just plain not wanting to be here. not that i don't like malone...i love it! but i am NOT a fan of the whole school work aspect.
i just feel that i want to be enjoying my time here...all day, every day. talk about a misconception of how college should be. but as it is, our society tells us that these are the best years of our lives, right?
well, i have just been feeling robbed of that lately. cause, you know, all i do is study {or use's been a bit lacking of so far this semester}.
but as i have been thinking and praying about it, i've really been asking God for strength to use my studies to honor Him. i wanted Him to give me motivation to do homework as if working for Him, not for man. and i feel like i had a revelation that hit me like a ton of bricks.
while i am thinking all of these things, i am being so incredibly selfish.
so much so that i am very embarrassed.
college, this journey, my calling, this point in time in my's not ALL about me.....but how badly do i want it to be about me and having fun.
God has me here for a reason and this is just a phase in my life.
just 4 short years (hopefully no more will be needed!). and i can't even be happy about it?
instead, i am complaining and all bummed that i have to be here at school. doing homework and studying for exams that are trying to trick me anyways! ugh.
i am so concerned that i am not having 'fun' all the time and being with friends 24/7.
i just want to skip all these steps and be able to do what i truly want to do.
{which honestly is be a mom. but working with kids//babies will do until then.}
i just want to skip school and help the poor and hurting children//infants in the world.
i just want to get instant gratification and not have to work hard to get there.
see? selfish, i tell you.
i feel it's an internal battle cause i am being selfish to myself and God.
how can you be selfish to yourself? well, you can. cause i'm not living for me.
i feel like this came at a good time and i am hoping that this will give me a new kind of motivation to do my school work and get things done. i am hoping and praying, at least.
and while i'm talking about babies, guess whose new babysitting job arrived into this world yesterday?! yes, the beautiful twins! i didn't think i would hear from the family until things had settled down and they had had a couple of weeks to get adjusted. well as i was literally telling my small group about the job, i got a video message. and guess who it was from?! abby a! she sent me a beautiful picture of her beautiful twin boys!! my heart is so full and i am so flattered that she thought to send me a message, showing me her precious children. i can't wait to get my hands on them!
ladies and gents
meet cameron allan and peyton joseph!
God is so good.
and yes, this does just make me smile.
i can't wait to meet them!! i feel beyond blessed.
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