random thoughts today.
--this is what happened in our dorm room last night. do not try this at home (or in your dorm room. it's breaking laws!):
don't worry. elizabeth stopped this, and then was going to perform on julia. then julia chickened out. so then kaylynn gave us her arm to use. elizabeth was freaking out {so was everyone else}. so i was talking her through it. got on her eye level and told her 'now once you're done, push this button to retract the needle'. well she pushed that button, alright....before she did the IV! so we had no needle and the procedure was discontinued. she said she was 'trying to get a feel for the button' ohhh elizabeth, how i love thee.
--last night was celebration and it was really good. afterwards, i had a convo with kaylynn. she told me she felt i would judge her on stuff in her past. really made me think....how are others thinking i am judging them?
--clinical was good this week, and it wore. me. out. only two more weeks till maturity. PTL.
--the other morning this is how the sky looked. i tell ya, when i see skies like these, i can't help but know that there is someone bigger than me. and i think how my piece of the puzzle is SO tiny and minuscule compared to so much. but then i am comforted that the maker of it all holds my heart. how stinkin' cool is that?
and later that day was a double rainbow. double awesome.
--i got to skype to my bestie twice in three days. umm...awesome? i think so. she always makes me feel so much better. she had to talk to me today cause there was boy drama. one of my favorite quotes from the night:
i said something funny about alex and not wanting to go out with him and she says: 'i love you a lot for saying that'.
--then tonight, we were talking and i got to introduce her to elizabeth. elizabeth said 'you can totally tell you're best friends'. tyler and i talked about how she has supposedly never worn sweats in public. i told her she did! IAP exam in HS. but she curled her hair so look like she wasn't trying to be cute. see. we're totally besties.
then she txted me right after our convo and said:
'LOVE YOU :) and loved talking to you! you make me so happy! have fun at dinner and home'
--i'm home. finally. felt like crying earlier because the person i drove with, erik, kept pushing our time of departure back {the church is paying for his gas to come home and play worship}. and when i called my mom to ask if i could drive myself, she said to suck it up and roll with the punches. not a big deal, but i would have liked her to say, 'if you can get home 5 hours sooner, and it means a lot to you, then come home'. so i was sad.
i just wanted home. and a good bed.
with nice meals.
and really comfy toilet paper.
you know. the little things in life.
but i made it. with only a few awkward silences between me, erik and his gf...whom i just met. and is quiet natured.
so now off to sleep for a billion hours.
night world.
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