
a word from the wise (aka...patient)

today i had a 1st!!
i got to remove my first IV!!
i know i know.  it is nothing huge.  but it is something more than bed baths and sub q's.
it was exciting.  and my patient said it barely hurt.
my patient also told my instructor that i was so nice and kind.
and jessica's patient gave her a little lesson on love.
he told her that if she wasn't sure if she loved someone, to not talk to them for 2 weeks.  and then, in 2 weeks, look at their picture.  and if you miss them, you're in love.  if not, you're not in love (this is summarized).
which is funny cause she is in a situation similar to that.  God was speaking through her 50 year old patient {who had just lost his wife earlier this year}
it was a good day.
i had dinner with kayla and we had a chance to catch up.
it was a good chat, and then i headed to get some homework done.
and this is what my view looked like for a good chunk of the night:
{who studies on a friday night?!  uhhh....me}
yes, studying at starbucks with my passion tea.  
if i have to study, i might as well enjoy the ambiance.  
i am exhausted from this week and have a huge theory exam on monday.
prayers would be greatly appreciated. 
i will be spending most of my day tomorrow locked up in the library.
i can just feel the  jealousy coming through the screen. LOL.
and it's not quite 10 30 and i'm off to bed!  
it's been that kind of week.
i am missing home and can't wait to be there next weekend.
sometime about home just soothes the soul.

p.s...last night our entire suite was up till after 1 am.
and we all {except colleen} had clinical this morning.
which means, we were up around 6 am. yikes.
elizabeth and the boy are no longer.  so her troops {us} were there to surround her in love during this hard time.  friendships are such an amazing thing.

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