TB test. oh how i hate them. mainly just cause i hate needles.
i have to get them every year because of nursing school and will have to every year forever.
until now.
i got my TB test taken on monday and when i went in on wednesday, it was not exactly negative.
the nurse questioned it asked me to come back today so the dr. could look at it (coming today would keep it still within the time window of checked between 48-72 hrs.)
so i went in today and it was not looking so good.
the dr. measured it, and my TB test was certainly positive.
it was red and raised.....all 18 mm of it!
{normal used to be under 10 mm. this year they raised it to 15 mm. and i'm still above that!}
it does not mean i have TB, just that i've been exposed.
i could never exhibit signs and symptoms and probably will never have problems with it.
however, somewhere along the lines i was around someone who had it (and probably didn't know. or just was rude and didn't tell me they were exposing me haha).
good news is: once you're positive, you're always positive.
this is awesome because i never have to get another TB test done! woot woot.
bad news is: i now have to get blood work and a chest x-ray in replace of a TB test yearly.
this stinks seeing i hate TB tests because of the needle.
blood draws are a million times worst! ughhh.
so goodbye TB tests.
of the several i've had, it's been real fun.
but i don't think i'll miss ya! :)
oh, and while i'm sure it's nothing serious, please pray that the blood work and x-rays do come back negative next week, confirming i don't have active TB. for that would totally stink! LOL.
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