
spring breakkkkk.

spring break is here and so needed!
tonight joey stayed with us due to a interview in columbus tomorrow AM.
while i was a bit nervous it would be awkward, i has been awesome.
he has been friendly and put up with some of my mothers craziness :).
he sat through her hours of experience, country living stuff, and her newest audition piece.
he has been a trouper and it's been fun having him.

i wish i could just sleep in tomorrow, but babysitting calls!
excited to see the kids, but due to the lack of older-child babysitting, this could be a bit interesting haha.

and this time last year i was packed and ready to head to FL.
spent 10 whole days with the grandparents and got spoiled rotten.
slept, worked out, studied on the beach/pool, and awesome gparent times to watch the bachelor, american idol and other stuff in the evenings.

they just announced today they are in the process of getting their house ready to sell.
and they got rid of one of their time shares {the one i stayed in this time last year}
i know it is best, but it makes me sad.
it's almost like the reality of their age is becoming real.
i'm just hoping they move closer, and not farther away!

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