
year of the boys

i tell ya, i love boys. LOL.
not in that way, but they're just so fun.
fun to talk about, fun to talk to, fun when they're txting you cute things.

for me, i hit my peak in the boy world around 7th, 8th, or 9th grade.
i was with the 'popular' crowd and corresponded with the jock guys.
and i'll be honest.  at the time, i looove it.
like i said, i love me some boys.

however, when i went to peru, my life changed.
so did my love of boys (i just learned to love them in a different way!)
it was no longer about who i could flirt with and get to like me.
but i was concerned for my brothers in Christ and wanted to honor them.
i wanted to be the best woman i could for a Godly man.

so with that, the boy area of my life got pretty dull from then on.
sure, there were times when boys would like me and i would be 'talking' to a boy.
then the conversation would come up, and i knew i didn't want to date them cause they weren't Christians.

and even the first two years of college were super dry in the boy area.
and in my arrogance, this was a huge humbling thing.
i thought prior to college, hey!  i'll come to a Christian school and find my husband day one--maybe day two.
but for sure within the first week.
and since i had been in a public school, i thought for sure there would finally be mutual interests of guys who genuinely loved the Lord.

it was a huge wake up call when that was noooot the response i got.
and i'm totally OK with that, cause my grades would have suffered greatly.

anyways, this year has been the year of the boys.
three boys last semester showed interest, and i went on three dates (two with the same guy).
recently, another guy at malone has been txting me.
honestly?  never talked to the kid before.
for the first time had seen him from a devol hall lobby show in september.
thought he was a freshmen--turns out he is a senior!

he added me on facebook and then messaged me.
said he remembers me from that show in september and how i was in the front row.
ummmm, good memory much?!  haha. impressive.
anyways, got my number and has been txting me.
not sure how i feel about the whole thing.
know NOTHING about him, never even heard about him till recently (and still didn't really know him, just had seen him a couple times).

jeeze!  i don't know where all these boys are coming from.
my theory is that we're getting to an age where they're realizing if they don't have a gf soon, they might not have an easy time finding one outside of college. LOL.
but who knows.
either way, i'll take it as a major compliment.
and i'm hoping it will build my confidence a bit in the boy department.

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