
big girl license.

today, i got my big girl license!
yes, i FINALLY got my horizontal 21st license. 
also, when i got my license it was the old 'white and red' ones. a couple months later they changed it to be pink and sparkly. so double points here!
since i'll be at school when it expires--and you can get them 30 days before--i went today.
don't worry, i still can't drink.  but at least it won't get expired.
and i would post a picture, but i'm pretty sure that would be totally unsafe of me.
let's just say my pic turned out really good for a license photo...score!

today i was productive and i can't believe i have to bbsit tomorrow.
now that i've been off, i'm liking the break.
tonight i ran into a good HS friend of mine, leah f.
{and by ran, i mean she lives around the corner and she was on her porch when i walked by!}
we used to have long talks on her porch about anything and everything in life.
we also used to watch grey's anatomy weekly together.
tonight we talked for a couple hours and it was so refreshing.
sometimes i feel i need to talk to those i've known for a while.  they just know me in a different light and i can recall many childhood things and they just get it.
it makes me sad that its been so long since we've done that.

i started thinking about my plan of action for packing.
the action will start here shortly.
but not till i get my hair cut, have a couple coffee dates, and get a massage :].

happy wednesday. the weekend is drawing near!

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