
big mistakes.

we blog about life, right?
the good, the bad, the ugly.

cause life is not always pretty.
and not always fun.
and not always rainbows and butterflies.
and not always what we think it will {or should} be.

tonight, i was reminded of all this.
i spent the night in tears. lots and lots of tears.
the family i nanny for and i had a rough conversation (i'm not ready to blog about it yet).
i unintentionally messed up.  and i am paying for it now.
i'm not even sure i will see them ever again--or only very sparingly.

but thanks to my friend kg, i feel a bit better.
i called her hysterical and said i needed to come to her house. 
cause going to my house was not a good option.
she listened to me for hours.  3 to be exact.  and i left after midnight.
i tell you.  i say it often...but i have the BEST friends.
and honestly?  it's nights like these i wish i was back at school.  away from (somewhat) real life.
where school is my focus. and friendships are thrown in for the ride!

i received this txt an hour ish after i left their house:
'just wanted to let you know that tonight sucked for all of us and i hate that'
to which i wanted to respond with some smart a** comment, such as 'well it didn't see like it!'. but knew better. much much better. and responded that i was sorry, again.

my heart hurts so much. and my head hurts just about as much.
i want to go crawl in a hole and die. 
bed will have to do.

{p.s..on a lighter note. today, em and i did tie dying as an early bday gift to me!  we had fun.  see for yourselves.  she is such a sweetie!}

{our shirts in their bags....tomorrow will reveal the final product!}

{me and em!}

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