
princess mitch.

so tonight was a blast. i need to post quickly {even though it's after 2 am}
tonight i went to a church cook out with amanda.
it was kinda fun, kinda awkward.  a 20-something's cookout so you know how those go.
but after the cookout?  amanda and i did some beautiful decorations on mitch's car.

{work in progress. ain't she so cute?! yes...yes she is.}

{final product. please adore!}

we left him little clues that it was us.
amanda drew a kenya flag, and i wrote a phrase from the book he stole from me to give to fin.
payyyy baaaccck, what's uuuupppp!

{amanda's kenya flag}

he is a princess.....that is for sure.
he saw it and lets just say he less than enjoyed it haha.
we called him to get details.  he said he almost ignored our call.  RUUUDE.
but then, he invited amanda and i over at 10 30, so we went.
{we were getting coffee at caribou and having some girl talk}
so we went to his chicken coup, had some chocolate, and talked till 2 am.

we talked about life, boys, food, drinking....lots of stuff.
it was such a blast and i can't wait to do it again soon.
it's nights like these that make me super sad that i am leaving in (gulp!) a week.

then we left and it had rained.  and all the paint came off!
already?!  NOOO.  so we re-wrote the 'princess', cause we didn't want him to miss it too much.
but then it poured again.
sad day.
but overall?  amazing night. i love my friends. to death!
now let's see how well i love the situation when the alarm goes off tomorrow. yikes!

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