
sock hop!!

last night was the 1st annual sock hop at VGF.
it was a BLAST and i will do the best to explain the night.
a special thanks to jen v. for letting me borrow her dress!
i got tons of compliments....you'll see why.

{me and jane!}

{me and leona}
 {me, leona, brook}

we sat down, had desert and drinks and talked.  
then, the dancing begun!  
dan and abby did some instructions on how to swing dance and we all followed.
we did some really fun dance thing where we changed partners all the time. twas a blast!
then, we did one on one swing dancing with our partners.
we learned he figure 8 and the hudson. and that's about all i can remember.
i had bryce for my awesome date for most of the night.  

{my lovely partner!}

look at that hunk!
yes, he totally is 15 and totally jail bait!  
but i needed a partner and he was the one i felt comfortable asking him to dance with me {cause we ALL know if i'm single and ask another single person my age to dance with me, we suddenly MUST like each other! don't act like you don't know how that all works! LOL.}
he was so great and i felt so special dancing with him.
we even did a virginia line dance and had a fantastic time {that's the one with 2 lines and you go up and down with your partner, then do-si-do with others and then go under each others arms as a group.}

{bryce, me, leona, jane, brook, mitch--the group!}

{funny pic!}

steven, mitch and dan were having too much fun together. but we let it slide.

{hello, handsome!}

{lookin gooood!}

and some more group shots.

{all the ladies--me, jane, miranda, brook, abby}

{and all of us!  looove this pic}

so most of the night i was partners with bryce.
but some of the night brook stole my partner and i danced with mitch.
at one point, it was really hard for us to master the hudson.
but at the VERY end we tried one last time. and we got it!
we felt so accomplished and {i'm sure much to his dismay} i gave him a big hug.
side note: my prayer for a while was asking God to take away my feelings for mitch if this wasn't to be.  well guess what?  recently, i have just been seeing him as a friend. and it couldn't make me happier! and i could tell because of the way i was acting around him and how chill i was.  it's not quite my personality to grab someone i like and tell them to dance with me!

then after the dance, a bunch of us went to applebees.
todd treated our table and we tried almost every flavor of their frozen lemonade drinks. it was all todd's idea. mango peach was our fav {then strawberry, then kiwi lemonade.}

{we were the awesome table}

{the lovely ladies!}

we all carpooled and then headed back to the church to get in our vehicles.
we got home around 1:30 am and it was a night i will never forget.

my first swing dancing experience?

{my favorite pic all night.}

 love action shots.
happy saturday!

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