
just dance.

for starters, monday night {the first night back from break} we had a CA reunion.  it was so great to see everyone one last night.  and we got to play four on a couch.  love that game!  plus, my team won both times...booyah.
as we were driving back, we were trying to find a parking spot.  
i said to amanda {who was driving} 'amanda. my two options are to go back and sleep or go back and study. and i don't want to do neither.  can we just drive around and jam?!'
so, sure enough.  that's exactly what we did! 

{the girls in the front}

{me and vanessa, rockin' out in the back!}

i tell ya, it was such a blast!
we had the windows down and blared the music.
and then we would stop the car and get out and dance around.
{some of the songs: 'so what' by pink, 'yeah' by usher, 'down' by j. sean, 'boom boom pow' by black eyed peas. you get the idea}
oh yeah, the people in haviland hall yelled for us to be quiet from their windows.
did that stop us?!  uhhh, no sir.
yes, we were those obnixious people.
and you know what?  i didn't care!
it made me a little uncomfortable, but i thought "heck! this is my last week at school and gosh darn it i'm going out strong!"

{then we added peeps to our group and here we are! jess, amanda t, amanda c, megan, lisa, vanessa and myself.}

while i could have been studying for finals, i thought it was much more important to be making memories that i'll remember forever--cause i sure won't remember the grade i got on my theory exam years from now.
why can't my professors be on the same page with me?!
i mean, college is about friendships.....well thats a big part of it at least.
yet they pile things on so we have to be anti-social. ugh!

side note: since all this, i've been thinking about friendships a lot and how they're so much more important than grades.  i had a great heart to heart with my RA katie last night. again, could have been studying. but studying is so minute in the scheme of things. i know i have a demanding major and that takes a lot of time, but i often with i had more time to just sit and talk to anyone and everyone. it's so important and often so overlooked.
i hope to remember this memory for a long long time.
friends being stupid and crazy but having a blast all the while.
college life...at its finest.

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