you know you're a college student when you love to get mail!
i usually never get mail.
but this week, i got TWO....count, two, packages
one was something i orderer {my FIRST pair of TOMS--they are being sent because because they are way too big!}
but the other package was an actual package from my dear friend, amanda. i have been so blessed to get to know her since i have been attending a new church back home (Vineyard Grace Fellowship).
amanda sent me these amazing little notes, along with my favorite tea--which is passion tea, in case you're wondering.
after a stressful and overwhelming week, due to the semester winding down, this was just what i needed.
thank you, jesus, for my friend, amanda.
she is truly amazing!
oh. and i did my LAST long run for my training this morning. HALLELUJAH. i'm so not going to be prepared for this darn thing. don't know what i was thinking when i signed up!
happy friday!
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