last night i had dinner with my future roomie and her boy toy.
they have only been dating a month and are so stinkin' cute!
he treats her like the gem she is, and i enjoy getting to know him more (and continue to know him more as we room together in the fall).
they are trying to hook me up with some future CA's. they're too funny.
also, with exams around the corner, the library is getting PACKED.
i started out sitting in one area but these boys were studying for a practical and being a bit loud.
at one point, they start singing "i just had sex" by akon.
it is a RAUNCHY song...don't go listen to it. just don't do it!
no biggie, but i ended up moving locations in hope to find a quieter spot.
didn't really have much luck there, either.
oh, and guess what.
this other group was taking a study break and guess which song they start busting out?!
yeah....the same inappropriate song by akon.
haha i couldn't help by laugh.
oh, college boys.
did you know i move home T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W.
for the summer!
i'll have to come back for exams next week but will be moved out.
guess i should start packing things, huh?
i can't wait to hug the two little men (and pretty little lady) who have my heart.
{this was the last time i saw them--all the way back in JANUARY!)
{i got an e-mail with this pic the other day. she is SO much bigger than the last time that i saw her! can't wait to hold her.}
i could just eat them up!
i just heard a song called "kiss me slowly" by parachute and lady antebellum.
let's just say i am in love!
last class of patho was today.
only one more class till i'm DONE.
and have i mentioned i can't wait to be HOME?!?!
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