

the other day alivia walks into my room wearing this.
take a look at us. CA represent!
we're like twins {with necklaces and all!}
 and doesn't she just look thrilled to be in a picture with me?! haha 

just studying going on over here.
i have lost all forms of motivation.
i just need summer.
oh, and my two hardest exams are at the end of the week. 
so yeah, losing motivation...NOT GOOD.

i am so paranoid about these exams that i have spells where i am in such shock that all i can do is stare at the walls. how lame and how unproductive--the opposite of what i need right now.

my eyes have been blood shot the last couple days cause i'm so tired and exhausted in every way, shape, and form {i thought maybe it was pink eye?}
i went to the dr. today and he told me it was just allergies.
excuse me dr. i dont get allergies. ever. 
{and yes, i know, i am SUPER lucky.}
you told me yourself i'm not congested. 
then he told me itching was not a sign of pink eye...uh, yes sir, i believe it is.
anyways, hopefully it's not pink eye and will go away soon. because it certainly is hard to study when my eyes hurt constantly.
they're so uncomfortable! 
today tyler told me she will not be joining me for the musical in a couple weeks because she wants to spend her last weekend on campus :[
i totally understand.
but i'm a bit bummed because i haven't seen my best friend since thanksgiving.
i feel a bit ditched...but what can i do about it?

guess i should get some sleep and study some more! 
please pray for me. freaking out would be an understatement if asked to describe my current state.
God has brought me this far and i know He will continue to carry me.

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