went and saw the movie 'bridesmaid' this afternoon with emily.
can i tell ya that i was really disappointed with it.
i heard it was hilarious and all these great things about it.
it was actually crude and not too great.
good thing i only paid $4 for it!
but it was great to spend some time with emily!
babysat some tonight and aidan had a bball game.
he did awesome and scored a run!
dylan had an r.b.i and did great too!
i can't wait to have my own kids and be able to attend their games.
john schouten's challenge for us this week is to pray this:
'God, how do you feel about me"
"God, show me understanding of your love"
"God, build my confidence"
"God, how do i know you love me"
"God, show that love to me"
so, i've been praying just that.
well tonight at baseball, rory and i were on the play ground.
and all of the sudden, i just had such a sense of peace and God's presense.
it was so bizarre, and yet so amazing at the same time.
i felt his love just as i stood there watching a sweet 4 year old boy.
the sun was shining, but there was a cool breeze.
it was a special moment, and it was able to remind me of the amazing God i serve.
april's in-laws were at the game and her F.I.L was a character.
he asked me if i was getting paid to come to the baseball game and just sit there.
except i was with rory at the playground and following him around so rachel could focus.
i was slightly offended, but i'm over it.
i am a little worried because i don't think i want to be with the kl's 5 days a week once i'm done with the gossmans.
and i have had other offers to fulfill my tuesdays and thursdays.
but i'm scared to tell rachel that i might take those.
not that i don't want to be with rachel, but i'm scared that if i keep my eggs all in one basket, it's not gonna be good.
if she gets used to having me and can have me any day, i'm guessing it will be easier for her to not use me every day cause she will run out of things to do.
make sense?
gah, pray that i have the guidance and wisdom to know what to do!
weird ADD comment: our lights keep flickering on, off, on, off. it's starting to annoy me!
i have discovered {well, actually mitch introduced me} this pastor named matt chandler.
he has a church called 'the village' based out of texas.
um, i have never been in love, but this must be close to it!
he's so good. listen to him if you haven't!
the bachelorette starts tonight!
it's such a trashy show, but i love it!
it's such a trashy show, but i love it!
it's totally my guilty pleasure.
rach k-l told me that they are having auditions for the next bachelor//ette in cols.
if i was 5 years older, i would totally go!
i would have to be single and desperate, but hey. they send them on wicked cool dates!
who wouldn't want to be paid to go all over the world?!
i am totally missing the beach right now.
only a little under 2 months till i am there again!
it can't come soon enough.
last summer we were in the outer banks, NC.
in a city called Corolla {core-ol-a....like olive}
beautiful place with even better weather.
{one of the first pictures i took. love the beach}
{one of my favorites with eleanor}
{missing our view from the house. yes, this is what we saw from the living room! completely breathtaking.}
{and all the ladies!}
i can't wait for more memories this summer!
ahhh, happy monday!
we have survived another monday, and that is great news!
p.s. please pray that i find some people to help me unstack chairs with mitch on friday.
i don't want it to be awkward if only us two come.
and, i'm now scared to tell rachel i have to leave early.
uh-oh. could be a little tricky. {cause i already committed somewhere else all day on wednesday}
yikes. wish me luck!
and also, a good friend of mine and her bf just broke up {almost a year into their relationships}.
they're both amazing people and are totally putting it at God's feet.
but i am sure they would appreciate the prayers for healing, wisdom, guidance, and understanding during this time.
thanks everyone!
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