
the rachel's in my life.

today....has been a great day.
had church and the message was dynamite.
then i helped in the nursery which was crazy busy.

a little preface info: God has had getting involved with the church and doing things for college ages kids on my heart a lot recently. don't know why, but it gets me all excited that i have this yearning to serve and get connected.
{or connect, grow and serve--as the church's motto goes!}

so i was complaining to leona that there weren't any small groups for the college age.
so she suggested i start one.....which i could love to do.
unfortunately, i don't have the resources or connections to do so.
plus, by the time i went through leadership classes, i'd be back at school.
so that quickly got vetoed.
then, she had the idea of me helping mitch with one that he had started talking about.
well so i called him and got the scoop.
it's not looking like there will be a small group any time soon {mitch has a lot on his plate already} but we have a game plan for how i can get more connected.

1. we're going to introduce ourselves to 3 people before church starts next week. {and mitch mentioned that this will be good because the girls won't think he is hitting on them, and likewise for guys thinking i am hitting on them.  but what if i want to hit on one?! haha. just kidding...that's not my style}.
 2. help with chairs and hope to meet new people that way.
3. attend home groups with several college kids at vgf so there is power in numbers.

i'm hoping this works, cause i'm desperate here to get to know people!
i told him i felt bad cause i know he has a lot on his plate, but he claims he's totally fine with it.
i told him i don't mind being his charity case.
exhibit a....right here!
bring it on.
so pray that i can get connected and meet new people....and continue to build a friendship with people who are already my friends.
but what i want to talk about today are the rachel's in my life.
i have 3 and i love them more than anything.
they have been such amazing friends and it makes me want to have a child named rachel.
ok, not really.  but maybe a middle name?? who knows.
rachel s. my awesome suite mate and one of my best friends at malone.  we've been through a lot together and i love her more than anything.  she has been there for lots of 'big' events this year. i look forward to many more years of friendship and good laughs.  my favorite memory of us is from this year.  we went to mcdonald's and this boy came up to hit on us. here is the convo:
rach: 'so what year are you?'
boy: 'a sophomore' {it was obviously hs...not college} 
rach: 'us too!
boy: 'really?!' 
rach: 'yeah..in college.'
boy: 'alright. see ya later'
rach: 'peace out!'
most hilarious moment ever. we laughed for a good few hours. and we were mentioning that moment last night while txting.

{my 20th bday dinner at olive garden.}

{and some winter pics}

rachel k-l.  she has been like a second mom to me and knows me better than most people in the world. she has been there for me through a lot, and we've had our tiffs, too. but she is one to apologize and make it better.  she has spoiled me in ways that i never thought i would get spoiled and treated me like such a gem when i needed it.  everything from taking me shopping for college stuff to taking me on vacas.  she is self-less and an amazing woman.  i miss her dearly when i'm away.  

{my senior year prom.  wow, i look young!}
{vaca before my freshmen year of college}
{a pic of her and her baby girl.  i needed a recent one of her but don't have one.  working on that!}

rachel w. wow! she was my angel this year. she helped me through lots of stuff and was the only one outside of the family who knew about my depression for the longest times.  she is self-less and will be an amazing nurse someday.  she is a role model and one of my best friends.  i couldn't ask for a better friend and sister in Christ. 

{pumpkin carving in the fall}
{and on her graduation day!}

i'm blessed in SO many ways--and rachel's hold a special part in my heart. 
i don't know what i would do without these women and i certainly wouldn't be half the woman i am without them!

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