
betty crocker

i don't know what has hit me, but i have found a complete LOVE for cooking!
tonight, i made a chicken thing with this dijon topping.  
it was delicious!
and the best part was the desert....i made a rhubarb desert.
oh. my. gosh.
i can't keep my hands off it!

i told leona that we are going to have another big cooking extravaganda.
we are in the works of setting it up.
friends and food....can it get any better?!

church today was really good today.
kirsten left for luxumburg and i am talking to her online now!
amanda left for africa so keep her in your prayers!
chatted with dan for a bit and he told me he was going to teach me how to swing dance.
always wanted to learn!
we will see if it actually happens.

today, again, in church he had a fabulous message.
he talked about lots, but one thing that struck me was the reminder that once we're Christians, we are to give everything to Christ. and when we give everything to Christ, we have a weight lifted and are better off.
well i started thinking about my burdens.
and the one that i kept being directed to was my singleness.
gah!  i just can't get over it.
i feel i am getting there, but then at the same time, feel i don't know how to fully be OK with being single.
am i making sense?
i need to keep surrendering. but i feel i can never completely get there.
long work in progress.
i am so proud of where i've come from, but have lots to go.

have been wanting to be at the beach lately, no clue why.
going in july....needs to come soon!

well, maybe i need to go eat more rhubarb stuff.
i hear it calling my name from the kitchen :]

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