
daily email, concerts and cookouts!

 so i get this e-mail daily that i love!  and here is what i got this morning.


this actually doens't really apply to be hard core right now as much as it did 2 months ago.
there was a guy at school {ryan} and it just wasn't there for me.
it was SO hard to say 'i'm not interested' for fear of being a jerk.
{plus, the little part of me said i will never meet another Christian guy. oh, how Satan works so sneakily!}
but i knew i just had to.
well, this might be a couple months late, but it's giving me the reassurance i did the right thing.

isn't it funny how God can talk with us through so many ways?
it blows my mind to think how awesome it all is.

today ava had a kindergarden concert and kept asking me to go.
so i went, and it was so stinking adorable!

{me and the little star!}

{and sweet ryan}

stacy found out i was headed to a cookout and totally was all about it.
asking questions and being all excited for me.
how sweet is she?!
she told me i look adorable and that everyone will love me.
ok, feed me the lies, i don't care. cause it boosts my confidence!

so the evening started off a bit rough.
and by that i mean that my mom told me not to take this bowl, cause it was my grandmas bowl and special to her.
no big deal, right?
well as i am handwashing the dishes, and right before my eyes i see it falling from the drying rack.
and it shatters into about 12092763482 pieces.
no joke.
i was surrounded by glass.
so i was about 20 minutes late to chairs.
oh, and they finished in about 25 minutes.
great, now i look like a total loser...but what else could i do?

then, we headed out to the cookout!
um, can you say fabulous?
ok, not all of it was fabulous. but overall it was just that.

at first it was kinda awkward. cause here i am with a guy and yet none of these people know me.
i got referred to as a 'thing' when i walked in.
to which mitch says: 'that thing is a girl'.
some of the women i recognized from bible study so that was good. i just chilled inside with the 4 women for a bit while the men were outside.

there was the most adorable baby there, janelle.
she was precious! and as i was holding her, she fell asleep.
and slept for a good hour or so.....yeah, precious.
she also threw up on me. so i'm now known as 'the lady who got spit up on'. that's attractive! haha

{hi beautiful!  i could hold you all day.}

this babys mom was amazing and i love her so much.
i hope her friendship can be one to keep and she can be a good mentor type figure in my life.
we shall see!

then, the last couple hours, mitch came in and joined the ladies in playing this weird game.
which was kinda fun.
then, i said that i had one more round and was gonna leave.
to which someone replied: 'yeah, me too'.
so we both headed out together and he helped me carry stuff out.
we talked for a bit outside our cars and had a nice mini-conversation.
then i followed him home, not knowing where the heck i was!
he called and asked if i knew where we were and i said: 'no!'
but it was all good. and i am thankful for his friendship.
praying God directs it all.

{a picture of all the ladies}

almost ALL of them have iPhones and were on them a good chunk of the night.
{which if i can be honest, i think is kinda rude. do people have no phone etiquette these days?!  jeeze! haha. no, i'm sure i do bad etiquette too but i really try not to. i'm kinda picky about that. type A personality....remember?}
let's just say i totally have iPhone envy right now.
but i'm exhausted and ready for bed.
so here's to many more nights of fun and friendships!

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