
it's about time!

so i write this post with a smiling face and jittery hands!
i am super excited and feel i have waited for this moment for the last 6 months.
you may be wondering what this is all about, and no, this is not about any boy.
this is about the church and the possibility of being involved.  and a leader even.

so leona and some others have been asking me and planting the seed to help with the youth group.
that is totally where my heart is, partially cause i never had someone older to pour into me at the middle//high school age.
so, it's been on my heart a TON and i just kept telling God that if He wanted it done, to do it.
i was totally being lazy here, but in my defense, i wanted to make sure that it was His will.

so today i was talking to todd, the youth pastor.
not about getting involved, but just about random stuff.
and all the sudden, this girl named grace {who i met back in january} said 
'are you talking about her being involved in the quarry!? cause i think she needs to be a leader!' 
woah, where did that come from?
i had met her but hadn't seen her until today where we re-introduced ourselves. 
so todd looks at me and was waiting for a reply. i told him that it was funny cause leona and dan had been telling me i sould talk to him about being involved {i had inquired about helping at their youth camp but you have to be a volunteer to do so} but didn't know if i should talk to him. and i also said i know i leave for school again soon. 
so then that opened a discussion for us and we are going to meet and talk this week about the details.  


like, ok God, i see what you're doing here. sorry for not listening earlier.

so, prayers for guidance and whatnot would be awesome.  
i dont even know if it will work out cuase i head back in oh, 2 months.
but if it is God's will, those 2 months could totally be used for His glory. 
and i would absolutely love that more than anything!
i just feel i have waited for this moment of actually knowing people and getting involved for oh, the 6 months i've been attending here.
i am so filled with joy.
tuesday night bible studies have been awesome and wonderful.
i even had plenty of people to talk to at church today.....SAY WHAT?!
and lindsay left finley in the nursery today and said she did it cause she knew i was there and would get her if needed.
i just feel beyond blessed and am so excited where God has this going.

and it's times like these that i am thankful, yes, thankful, that i don't have a boyfriend.
cause would i be so excited if i knew it was taking away time from them?  if i am being honest here...probably not.

God is awesome. and i love moments like this where i see little glimpses of His potential plans.  makes my heart full and happy in so many levels.

tonight, i cooked a chicken dinner that was delicious!
and a sweet potato salad that was not so much. 
it had petters, yogurt, and all this weird stuff.
but it was a good thing to try!

and night of worship was tonight....insert heart melting.
it was 2 hours of pure worship and it was miraculous.
i don't even know how to describe it. words can't explain. 
the Holy Spirit was working.
i just love those nights when i feel so close to Him.
my God is so great and i often don't take enough time to marvel just in that.
it blows my mind when i think about all He is.
God was totally working in my heart and reminding me that He needs to fill every spot of my heart.
and that i get discouraged when i'm single but it's jesus...not any boy, running, babysitting, nothing should be my desire but Him.
God is able, He is strong, He is loving, He is worthy, He is willing.
He will give me the desires of my heart and has them there for a reason.
and He is totally capable of bringing me a Godly man.
can i get an amen?!

some youth group girls that i met even came up to me and said that they wanted me to be around them.  i'm so beyond blessed right now.

cassie and i have been getting close and i love her.
can't wait to get to know her more!
she is such a sweetheart.
pray her nausea goes away fast!  12 weeks and she's hoping it ends soon.

oh and ps...guess who called on the way home from tonight?
um yeah. you've GOT TO BE KIDDING me!
what a joke, right? just friends.
he called to tell me to go to the johnson home group tomorrow night--which i was already planning on going.  but since we didn't talk all week he didn't know that.
but i really appreciated him telling me about it, regardless.
{pps...i purposefully made it not awkward tonight. success!}
he told me that everyone loves me and that i'm a favorite of many people. i told him that that's not true.
but it was so nice to hear that these women are being genuine.
i said that they have been the so welcoming and they should get the credit.
30 minutes later i let him go so he could finish his bible study stuff he needs for tomorrow.
thank you, Jesus, for Godly friends.
i am so convinced that you can never have too many.

Lord, i thank you for the fire i have for You.  the new found desire i felt placed for You tonight and the closeness that i got to feel.  Lord, help me to feel that close to you ALL the time.  help me to feel the confidence that You provide in all that i do. give me the remembrance all the time that You grant me the desires of my heart and that You are faithful.  You are the Father of love and can't wait to give me the man i am to love forever.  give me the strength to be patient.  i struggle so much with that and i need work in that area. so help me to know You are greater still. You amaze me.  keep it coming :]

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