today i spent the day with sweet baby girl while aidan had a baseball game.
we had a good time and even went on a walk.
i tried to take pics with the ipad which is hard to do with a baby, considering if takes some crazy faces from the camera men to make her smile. and of course, no camera men here.
so she's not smiling. but it's a pic with her and she's adorable anyways.
{my eyes aren't looking at the camera, but she was kinda smiling so i'll sacrifice.}
tonight i did something i have never done before.
i went to church. yes, scandalous, i know.
usually i go sunday mornings but i have to work nursery and i honestly could use the extra couple hours of sleep tonight.
i'm not babysitting, or doing anything for that matter, so why not go to church?
well i went to church and the worship was amazing.
they sang one of my favorite songs called 'You are able'. chris our worship leader wrote it.
here are some of the lyrics:
'and by Your grace, You have saved me,
filling up my lungs with praise.
so i lift up my hands, proclaim to the Heavens,
O you are able, Lord, You are able.
to form highest mountains, still rushing oceans.
Lord, You are able, O, You are able.'
it's beautiful. and we sang a new song which i love {and can't remember. of course}
but, it rocked my socks.
first, i was put on george duty so leona could clean up.
so we played tag and then leona, dan, george and i played frisbee.
it was perfect. perfect weather, people, and fellowship.
just icing on the cake.
then, leona and i were about to part and i mentioned it being a rough week.
so she says: 'let's sit and talk'
so george, leona, and i had a little picnic.
george called it a picnic and totally dug it.
we sat cross legged and all on the grass in the front of the church.
so we sat. and talked about life.
how God is good and faithful, and how He, who knows all the stars by name, loves us.
and has a purpose for us. and how amazing and almost incomprehensible that all is.
it was so perfect to be sitting in God's creation and just talking.
if i could capture that moment forever, i would.
i cannot tell you how thankful i am for this woman.
i feel like a burden on her sometimes and know i need to get over that.
but she is just so awesome and i feel unworthy sometimes. ever had friends like that?
well she is such a blessing and such a strong woman of God.
i can't even tell you how much i look up to her.
oh, and john talked about tattoos and alcohol today.
so leona took it upon herself to give me a tat.
nice, huh?
at church, leona, myself dan, jane and mitch sat together.
which basically means i didn't get to pay that much attention.
but i met jane tonight.
and she's awesome. like, really really awesome.
and i only spent a wee bit of time with her.
and my guy friend {coughmitchcough} was awkward tonight.
like, super awkward. not cool, dude
pray that we can be friends--cause that's all it's gonna be.
and you know what? i'm totally A.O.K with that.
i just don't like awkward. cause man. awkward sucksss.
i'm over it. cause i'm not going to act like i'm 5 years old.
so more praying in that department. what else is new?
i felt God's love today like no other.
and man, days like these blow my mind and amaze me.
i serve and amazing God. amazing, amazing God.
time for bed. nursery in the morning!
thank you, God, for amazing nights like tonight.
everything about it was perfect.
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