
water fight.

well today, was one of the best days of summer so far. 
like hands down.  i had a BLAST.
i had the three kids all 8 hours while rach was out of town.
and you know what? they did FABULOUS.
aubrey? wasn't even phased by it.

{she fell asleep in her bouncy chair.  how cute!}

you would have never known she was so attached to rachel.  
she was my little buddy.
she is just so precious!  i can't get over it.

well, hello, beautiful!

we hung out, went to the library and played outside for hours.
we had a water fight and i participated.
and me, being the smart one i am, wore sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt today.
it was about 90 degrees out!
in my defense, it was raining and chilly when i left to go over. so i figured, heck, we will be inside all day {and their house is always cold!}
but boy was i wrong!
so i ended up just wearing my sports bra and sweat pants. 
which i was NOT comfortable with...but i was burning up! 
plus, only the kids saw me so i was safe.
only once did the water go straight to my underwear.

i felt bad cause i had asked them to not get me wet anymore and a couple minutes later rory comes and dumps water all down my leg.
did i let it just slide?  nope.  i told him sternly i had asked him not to do that and i didn't have other clothes to change into. 
he said he was sorry and i said it was fine, but now i feel bad.
i was playing with them, then all the sudden freaked.  i hate when i do that. sometimes i just hit the end and they keep pushing.  i need to work on that. 

these were the boys playing chess on the iPad while i was picking up the kitchen. 
don't they have the cutest behinds?!

and rory helped me make their peanut butter and marshmellow sandwiches.
i spread the pb and he does the marshmellow fluff! 
go team!

then i ran 4 miles tonight.
wow, talk about productive. 
and now i feel like i could crash any minute!

and two more pics from the other weekend just because i can't get enough of these kids!

boy, am i blessed.
as challenging as it can be due to parental differences, i am beyond blessed.
i love them so much and my heart just is so full when i am with them.

i've bbsat 45 hours this week so far.  and have a couple more tomorrow. 
wow.  long week.
and guess who might be coming to church with me on sun?!
my big sis!
i'm super excited. like, you have no idea.
hopefully it will all follow through {last time she could come she got sick}.
pray that it all works and she starts to want to keep coming.

happy friday!  it's finally the weekend :]

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