
do not try this at home.

random thoughts today.

--this is what happened in our dorm room last night. do not try this at home (or in your dorm room.  it's breaking laws!):

don't worry.  elizabeth stopped this, and then was going to perform on julia.  then julia chickened out.  so then kaylynn gave us her arm to use.  elizabeth was freaking out {so was everyone else}.  so i was talking her through it.  got on her eye level and told her 'now once you're done, push this button to retract the needle'.  well she pushed that button, alright....before she did the IV!  so we had no needle and the procedure was discontinued.  she said she was 'trying to get a feel for the button'  ohhh elizabeth, how i love thee.

--last night was celebration and it was really good.  afterwards, i had a convo with kaylynn.  she told me she felt i would judge her on stuff in her past.  really made me think....how are others thinking i am judging them?

--clinical was good this week, and it wore. me. out. only two more weeks till maturity.  PTL.

--the other morning this is how the sky looked.  i tell ya, when i see skies like these, i can't help but know that there is someone bigger than me.  and i think how my piece of the puzzle is SO tiny and minuscule compared to so much.  but then i am comforted that the maker of it all holds my heart.  how stinkin' cool is that?

and later that day was a double rainbow.  double awesome.

--i got to skype to my bestie twice in three days.  umm...awesome?  i think so.  she always makes me feel so much better.  she had to talk to me today cause there was boy drama.  one of my favorite quotes from the night:

i said something funny about alex and not wanting to go out with him and she says: 'i love you a lot for saying that'. 

--then tonight, we were talking and i got to introduce her to elizabeth.  elizabeth said 'you can totally tell you're best friends'.  tyler and i talked about how she has supposedly never worn sweats in public.  i told her she did!  IAP exam in HS.  but she curled her hair so look like she wasn't trying to be cute.  see.  we're totally besties.

then she txted me right after our convo and said:
'LOVE YOU :) and loved talking to you!  you make me so happy!  have fun at dinner and home'

--i'm home.  finally.  felt like crying earlier because the person i drove with, erik, kept pushing our time of departure back {the church is paying for his gas to come home and play worship}.  and when i called my mom to ask if i could drive myself, she said to suck it up and roll with the punches.  not a big deal, but i would have liked her to say, 'if you can get home 5 hours sooner, and it means a lot to you, then come home'.  so i was sad.  
i just wanted home. and a good bed. 
with nice meals. 
and really comfy toilet paper.  
you know.  the little things in life.

but i made it. with only a few awkward silences between me, erik and his gf...whom i just met.  and is quiet natured.
so now off to sleep for a billion hours.
night world.


a good butt kicking

can i just take a minute to say that nursing school is kicking my boot-tay.
had our first theory exam, that one i felt confident about.
well, i failed.  so so badly.  
don't believe me?  68% was my score.
can you believe it?  who gets a score that low?!
it was a low scoring exam in general, and only a few i've known who got below the benchmark of 77% that we need to keep passing.

and i'll be honest.  i'm very nervous.
i'm having all these fears that i won't pass and that i am done for and can't recover.
and i know it is do-able to catch up, but boy will it be hard. 
i'm having slight anxiety about failing and trying to keep perspective.
it's one exam, and it's just a grade.  but i need this class to keep advancing.
and i had studied for this exam, which is part of the worry. it wasn't like i slacked off.
sure, i could have studied more, but it wasn't like i was under prepared. 

my mother told me it was ok and to just keep going.
which is good advice.  and i know i just need to hit the ground running.

kayla has been a great support, as she didn't do as well as she would have liked either.
and she sent me this verse "may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him" Romans 15:13.  
she also sent me this txt: 

'girl, i'm praying for you!  i know i am struggling with this test grade and i want you to know that i am praying for God to give assurance and courage to keep pressing on....i love you Ann, we can overcome!'

made my night.  God is so good with blessing me with amazing friends.
then, i was reading in Lamentations and came across this in 3:22-24:

"because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassion never fail.  they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  i say to myself, 'the Lord is my portion; therefore i will wait for him'"

God has a plan, and this is all fitting into it.
i'm hoping and praying His plan is to have me pass this year, while learning about trusting Him completely.
and i don't want to think about the idea of failing.  but know that would be His plan, too.  so let's pray for the former and know that He is able.  He will never leave me or let me walk alone.  He has overcome, and through His power in me, i can overcome too.

p.s...got to talk to tori tonight. what a needed therapy.
love and miss that girl.


CA girls night

tonight some CA girls got together.
me, abby, hannah, jackie, becca, and sara hung out at hannah's house.
we had dinner and chatted.  t'was wonderful.

except, abby and i have a nursing exam tomorrow.
i'm so nervous and could use lots of prayers.
homecoming court came out and abby and jonathon won.  how cute.
and sara and jackie are on court.  so are akash, brittan, matt and other.
look at that CA representation.
most nominees were CA's and RA's.  
sara said, 'we pretty much own this school'
ummm, pretty much!

wish i had a pic from tonight but it slipped my mind.
i need sleep. i'm tired.
this week is going to be the death of me, so if i'm not around, you'll know why.  
lots of exams and big projects.
not to mention: my acne is AWFUL, i have athlete's foot (and have for 3 years.  since europe.  i'm a bit over it!), and have canker sores.  ugh.  
only by the grace of God will i survive this week.

but church was great today and still a blessing.
i'm so excited to be finding a church that can be my 'home'.



tonight me, lily, colleen and katherine got together and watched glee.
it was so fun to all be together.

and all the day i spent studying for theory. 
my to do list is HUMONGOUS! it's stressing me out.

and my mom told me about a dream she had where i brought a 30 year old man home, named john, and said i was in love.  and then my mom, who wasn't very inviting, got told she wasn't very inviting. so she asked me: 'WHAT DOES THIS MEAN????' as if i am some dream interpreter or something haha.  

can't wait for church tomorrow! 


a word from the wise (aka...patient)

today i had a 1st!!
i got to remove my first IV!!
i know i know.  it is nothing huge.  but it is something more than bed baths and sub q's.
it was exciting.  and my patient said it barely hurt.
my patient also told my instructor that i was so nice and kind.
and jessica's patient gave her a little lesson on love.
he told her that if she wasn't sure if she loved someone, to not talk to them for 2 weeks.  and then, in 2 weeks, look at their picture.  and if you miss them, you're in love.  if not, you're not in love (this is summarized).
which is funny cause she is in a situation similar to that.  God was speaking through her 50 year old patient {who had just lost his wife earlier this year}
it was a good day.
i had dinner with kayla and we had a chance to catch up.
it was a good chat, and then i headed to get some homework done.
and this is what my view looked like for a good chunk of the night:
{who studies on a friday night?!  uhhh....me}
yes, studying at starbucks with my passion tea.  
if i have to study, i might as well enjoy the ambiance.  
i am exhausted from this week and have a huge theory exam on monday.
prayers would be greatly appreciated. 
i will be spending most of my day tomorrow locked up in the library.
i can just feel the  jealousy coming through the screen. LOL.
and it's not quite 10 30 and i'm off to bed!  
it's been that kind of week.
i am missing home and can't wait to be there next weekend.
sometime about home just soothes the soul.

p.s...last night our entire suite was up till after 1 am.
and we all {except colleen} had clinical this morning.
which means, we were up around 6 am. yikes.
elizabeth and the boy are no longer.  so her troops {us} were there to surround her in love during this hard time.  friendships are such an amazing thing.


a day where i feel so blessed.

i am feeling beyond blessed tonight.
God is just so so faithful in providing, in ways i don't always expect.
i had been praying for a great church here, and think i have found it.
tonight, i went to a women's bible study and had a wonderful time.
we met at starbucks and talked about philippians 2:1-11.
emily, kristen, sam, me, megan h., abby c., molly, nicole, and someone else i forget.

we had TONS of laughs and did some mixer games.
i really just feel God is placing very spiritually wise women in my life, and i couldn't be more thrilled.  i can't wait to see how this evolves through the year.
they were all just so welcoming. and i just kept thinking, 'these girls GET it.  they get what it means to live for Christ and show His love'.
just being around them made me want to be a better person.

and before this event, i went to amanda c's  bday dinner.
it was so nice to chat with some friends and celebrate amanda.
i feel i have been a horrible friend to her because school has been keeping me so busy and she is off campus. and i feel so guilty.  but i'm hoping to get my act together soon.

and clinical today was amazing.
don't know why, but God has certainly been showing me that this is where i am supposed to be.
just in little, stupid, ways.
my patient was amazing and we did a lot of talking today.
she told me that i was awesome and looks forward to me being there tomorrow.
such words to a nursing student are like gold.
and walking in we saw akash's sister who just graduated from malone.
she told us it was great to see us there. 

like i said, just a day filled with God's presence and reminder of how awesome He is.
and how i need to not put my faith in the flesh, but in Him alone.
i am so blessed--and don't take enough time to dwell in it.
so tonight?  i'm trying to dwell in just that.

i am blessed.  
and so thankful for the relationship with the God who blesses me.



had one-on-ones with matt and logan today.
i just love learning about them and their stories.
then tonight, went and did pre-work for clinical.
we were in and out of the floor in 22 minutes flat. 
how awesome is that?!  it was so glorious.

then jessica came over to say hey.
we had a great chat and i am SO thankful for her friendship.
i can't wait to get to know her better this semester.
she is such a sweet heart.  

rachel w. told me her gpa has cancer today.
so i'm sure she would appreciate prayer.
long day tomorrow.  bed time for me.

can i just add that i hate doing my laundry cause that means i have to make my bed.
and bunked beds were not meant for short people.


starbucks. how i love thee.

i broke down and went to starbucks to study.
and i'm sure it will be a down hill slope from here.
i just love that place more than anything, and get so much done when i'm there.
but abby and i did some studying for patho exam.  which is tomorrow.  
holy MOSES!  not looking forward to this.

but tonight was a good study session with abby, jess, jonathon, megan h., and jessica w.
talking through it really helped a lot.
and i enjoyed the company :].

tonight, i had alex s. say he had to ask me something.  but something he coudln't ask me in the cafe.
i'm a bit worried and all my phobias are coming out.
i need to process some things going on and really just need to spend more time in prayer about it.
please pray for me and guidance.  and that i can be open to God's will.

{the lovely abby}

{pumpkin spice latte?  yes, please}

off to bed.  
praying to remember all the info i have been studying.
happy monday!

never once.

so that song that i posted about a couple weeks ago about God being faithful?
well i found it!!  
mitch had it as his status today, and i figured it must be online somewhere.
and they probably sang it in church, which makes me sad i missed it.
but i found it. and it's even more amazing than i remembered.

my suite mate, elizabeth, and her boy broke up tonight.
it is so hard to see her heart breaking.
don't get me wrong, it was what needed to be done. and we all knew it was a matter of time.
but that doesn't make it easier to see her hurting.
i am so thankful for her in my life. she is such an amazing woman.
we have some great talks and she pushes me.
i told her today i didn't want to study.  and she replies, without hesitation:
'don't be selfish.'
see what i mean?  she tells me what i need to hear.

went to a new church this morning and LOVED it.
my heart is so full and i can't wait to get involved.
and funny story: there was a cute boy in the bible study class.
well guess what.  he plays for the worship band. LOL!
he plays drums.  very well, might i add :].
i just had to laugh with God. what a sense of humor He has.
cause apparentally i am attracted to that 'type'--without even knowing it!!
but don't worry, i'm not interested yet.

i am a bit discouraged with roommate stuff right now.
she is spending lots of time with her bf and i just feel we are super connected.
i am trying to hard to keep her connected into my life but i just feel it's a two way street--but i'm the only one trying right now.
i'm sure i am contributing to the problem more than i would like to think, so pray that i have eyes to see what is going on clearly.
i want to have a great year of experiences with her. and know God can do great things with our friendship.

oh, and i hear a 9/11 survivor talk at church tonight.
he was on the 91st floor...and is alive.
no one above the 91st floor lived. it was so inspiring, and he gave all the glory to God.
it was truly amazing.

that's it. listening to a song on repeat.  enjoy!
{never once by matt redman}


a spiritual moment

it's been an amazing couple of days.
clinical this week was so testing, but so so good.
don't know how to describe it but it was awesome.
i felt i was the hands and feet of Jesus.

last night i got to skype tyler and it was so good to hear from her.
although it was frustrating cause it takes forever to get a good connection.
sometimes i love technology, but sometimes it irritates me!  sometimes both at the same time :].
i got to talk to her about boys, life, school, and everything else under the stars.
i miss her lots.

then tonight was the sanctus real concert.
they were awesome.
the lead singer is an amazingly talented and has a way with words.
he said a little about his testimony and it was so touching.  
he sang a song called 'forgiven' and i had a spiritual moment.
he talked about the background of the song and all that went into it.
and he said something like this.......he had been so worried all the time about wanting to be an amazing singer and doing an amazing show.  and had all these insecurities.  and his friend told him:

'you are dealing with an issue of arrogance'

it wasn't insecurities, it was arrogance.
umm, shut the HECK up.
if you've read anything i've been writing, you will know that's what i've been dealing with.
i feel i have been so arrogant and it's sickening.
and he said that he realized he had been making everything all about him, as opposed to what He was wanting to do in him.  it was so deep and i had a moment.
i just wanted to revel in the moment and soak it all up.

then, i had a 2 hour convo with heather c.
it was wonderful and i got to hear a lot about her story.
God is so good.
i just can't get over it.


belated bday dinner.

today, rachel w came out to take me to a bday dinner.
i miss her so so much.  we spent 4 hrs talking...and could have spent 4 more.
she is such a blessing and i can't express that enough. 
we went to olive garden and then taggart's for desert.
nothing like packing on the calories :].

clinical today was quite the trip.
i started off by asking the night shift nurse {just making morning conversation} if there was anyone who we should be on the look out for.  
so naturally, he said my patient {not knowing it was my patient}. 
go figure.  i would get the difficult patient.
so i told myself that my attitude is what makes the day.
and i kept reminding myself that if i can show Christ to him, then it is a good day.
so i decided to kill him with kindness.  and it worked.
yes, he was a bit of a jerk.  but as the day went on, he got so much better.
i'm convinced that my attitude is what did that--considering he was still rude to the nurse, who was rude to him.

i had a patient who was tested for c. diff.
i had to change his depends....something i had never done before.
but do not fear...i called in the nurses aid for assistance.
i felt like a major failure but i tell ya, i didn't know what i was doing to a large man.
but it was fine.  and i survived.  and showered as soon as i got back.

i'll have him tomorrow, and not really looking forward to it.
please pray that i can be a light in the darkness.
and also, pray that tomorrow goes FAST (and i don't have to change any depends) :]

then tonight was celebration.
and it was amazing
i just feel so close to God when i'm there. 
we sang this song and it gave me chills.
there was something so powerful going on in that room.
God is so so good.  


let's move it people.

today was a fairly productive day.  i got some patho stuff done, in hopes that this exam next week doesn't dominate me.  but let's me honest...it probably still will.
then we had to got o prep work tonight and i'm exhausted already.
thinking about tomorrow makes me tired, unhappy, and just plain not excited.
me and jess waited a good 30 minutes for everyone to finish getting hart info.  it was taking them foreves.  i felt like bringing out the drill Sargent in me and yelling 'let's MOVE IT people!'.
don't worry....i didn't. 

i just keep thinking about the little babies and how happy i am to meet them.
i feel slightly embarrassed that i love them so much, without knowing a thing about them.
i was meant to be a mama, i tell ya.

please pray for me tomorrow as i have clinical.
i just need an attitude adjustment and want to love what i am doing.

but tomorrow i get to see my bestie, rachel w.
i can't wait to see her! it's been since the end of april.


i'm off to bed.
hoping to dream of haiti.

{i got a call today from wade with some details about going there for nursing.  i'm stoked and hope that everything works out! will know more concrete details soon.  then i'll have to make a decision based on money/time/leading.  all that jazz!}

happy wednesday!  the week is officially half way over. 
hallelujah....and welcome to the 2 craziest/busiest days of the week.


revelation and babies!

so the other day i had a revelation.
this who semester i have been dreading school and just plain not wanting to be here.  not that i don't like malone...i love it!  but i am NOT a fan of the whole school work aspect.  
i just feel that i want to be enjoying my time here...all day, every day.  talk about a misconception of how college should be.  but as it is, our society tells us that these are the best years of our lives, right?
well, i have just been feeling robbed of that lately.  cause, you know, all i do is study {or use to....it's been a bit lacking of so far this semester}.
but as i have been thinking and praying about it, i've really been asking God for strength to use my studies to honor Him.  i wanted Him to give me motivation to do homework as if working for Him, not for man.  and i feel like i had a revelation that hit me like a ton of bricks.

while i am thinking all of these things, i am being so incredibly selfish.  
so much so that i am very embarrassed.
college, this journey, my calling, this point in time in my life......it's not ALL about me.....but how badly do i want it to be about me and having fun. 
God has me here for a reason and this is just a phase in my life.
just 4 short years (hopefully no more will be needed!). and i can't even be happy about it?
instead, i am complaining and all bummed that i have to be here at school. doing homework and studying for exams that are trying to trick me anyways! ugh.
i am so concerned that i am not having 'fun' all the time and being with friends 24/7.
i just want to skip all these steps and be able to do what i truly want to do.
{which honestly is be a mom.  but working with kids//babies will do until then.}
i just want to skip school and help the poor and hurting children//infants in the world.
i just want to get instant gratification and not have to work hard to get there.
see? selfish, i tell you.

i feel it's an internal battle cause i am being selfish to myself and God.
how can you be selfish to yourself?  well, you can. cause i'm not living for me.

i feel like this came at a good time and i am hoping that this will give me a new kind of motivation to do my school work and get things done.  i am hoping and praying, at least.  

and while i'm talking about babies, guess whose new babysitting job arrived into this world yesterday?!  yes, the beautiful twins!  i didn't think i would hear from the family until things had settled down and they had had a couple of weeks to get adjusted.  well as i was literally telling my small group about the job, i got a video message.  and guess who it was from?!  abby a!  she sent me a beautiful picture of her beautiful twin boys!!  my heart is so full and i am so flattered that she thought to send me a message, showing me her precious children.  i can't wait to get my hands on them!

ladies and gents
meet cameron allan and peyton joseph!

God is so good.
and yes, this does just make me smile.
i can't wait to meet them!!  i feel beyond blessed.


flag football.

today we had a theory quiz and i had my IV priming check off.
don't worry--i passed!!  i was so nervous, but all for no reason.

it's going to be a busy week....and i'm thinking it will be like that every week.
quizzes tomorrow and meetings, too.

but on the fun side, i had a 1st today.
i played in my 1st flag football game!! well, the first one since 7th grade gym class.
our team got creamed but it was oh-so-fun.
i just hope we get a little bit better soon LOL.

oh, and i ran into my mom-friend, clare, at the gym today.
it was so good to talk to her and catch up.
she teaches pilates here and i love her class!

now?  i need to get some zzzz's.
been a long day and i'm pooped.
oh, and i realized i never want to be a teacher.
had to do some grading for the CE and i did not enjoy it!

but we have another monday in the bag!


blossom hall cook out.

today was the blossom hall cookout.
we played some games, had a cookout, and talked. 
it was really good.
abby and i had a good talk about purpose and nursing. 
she mentioned that doing what we feel God has called us to (i.e. nursing) will bring us more joy in the long run than not doing what we feel he has called us to do. and we talked about all the ministry opportunities we can do through nursing (nursing obviously, helping our kids, helping family members with hurt loved ones, ect.) it was encouraging and kinda gave me a bit of a uumph in the right direction with this whole doubting thing.
i am so thankful that Jesus was talking through her.

then, i studied theory with jessica w. and abby.  
we were so slap happy that we laughed a lot.
we took breaks to play catch phrase.  now that's my kind of studying!

talked to my rach w. today and realized how much i miss her.
we are getting together this thursday and i can't wait.

um, excitement alert!
so there is this family that wanted me to babysit {they wanted julia but she didn't want to...so i told her to give them my number}.  anyways, they are having twins....TOMORROW.  and want me to babysit them while the mom is a bball coach for a school.  i am literally on cloud nine.  like, couldn't be happier to get my hands on some babies, while getting paid.  it was SUCH an answer to prayer and i can't wait to start (which will be a few week--but still!).

also, i ran into one of my students from last year, jacinta.
she is such a sweet heart and we got to talking.
you know what she told me?  she told me that i was an awesome CA. and that she thought about applying to be one, and thought 'all i have to do is do what ann did'.  
i seriously about died. that is the best compliment that anyone could give. cause sometimes?  i doubt that my students care about the class, or about the fact that i am there to be intentional with them.
and it can be super discouraging to not know.  but hearing those words literally gave me a new kind of confidence. 
i am thankful for her kind works. and in some silly way, an affirmation that i am in the right place....doing the right thing.

{at the cookout--me and my student from last year, deborah}

while i did little academic things this weekend, i feel God was speaking through others, to me. 
and that will make a successful weekend, any weekend.
here's to a great week ahead!


open mic and WARRIOR DASH!

last night i went to open mic with kaylynn. 
every act was HORRIBLE, except 2.
and these two guys who went last were wonderful
they sang the cutest songs (that were originals) and it was so fun.
then, kaylynn and i had a great heart to heart about more life stuff.
i love getting to know that girl.

but today?  today was the WARRIOR DASH!!
if you don't know what that is, please google it.  right now.  do it!
it was a BLAST and i am so glad i did it.
i will post more pics but have needed to get to bed for the last hour (or two!)
but laundry had to be done. everything was covered in mud. 
there were 10 of us and we did 'pageant/disney princess' theme.
everyone loved it and we got SO many compliments.
we ended up running most of it and only walked on a couple of the huge hills.
speaking of, the whole trail was up hill.  like, how does that happen?!
beats me, but it DID.  we would hit MASSIVELY steep hills....that were ankle deep with mud.
but it was SO much fun.

at the end, you go in a mud pit and have to army crawl.
we found a guy with a camera and asked him to take our pic and e-mail it to us.
i'm HOPING he gets it to us, cause we were covered in mud.
it was such an amazing time and my body already aches.


{all the ladies!}

{after!  we are WARRIORS!}

i will post many more pics tomorrow but have to get laundry done to get to bed.
i have done nothing productive this weekend, and am not looking forward to staying that journey tomorrow!


first day of junior clinical....and celebration!

today was the first day of junior year clinical.
i'm a bit intimidated and have never done computer charting--so that's overwhelming.
and i don't know if i feel that i love it like i hoped.
still trying to figure it all out.  and honestly, knowing i'll stay put.
but it wore. me. out. and the thought of getting up at 6 am AGAIN tomorrow is gut-wrenching.

then, tonight was the first day of celebration.
i forgot how much i MISS that worship time.
me and kaylynn went and had a great heart to heart talk afterwards.
about life. and being lost and in dry spells.
a lot about the whole 'i don't have a purpose' stuff i've been battling. but just haven't had time to process.

i love talks like this.
but i'm exhausted from today, and will do it all again tomorrow.
so i better go sleep. and then look like poop tomorrow.  sounds like a plan!

{i snuck a pic of one of my favorite things.  people worshipping.}

no power of hell, no scheme of man.
could ever pluck me from His hand.
till He returns, or calls me home.
here in the power of Christ i'll stand.


mid-week exhaustion. and clinical starts tomorrow!

lots of school work going on here.
my busiest days are (semi) behind me.  
1st day of clinical for the year starts tomorrow.  almost 7 hours.  oi vei!
i'm praying that it goes well.  i've been doubting nursing recently a bit.
for some off reason, i go through these horrible phases where i doubt nursing. 
well, i've been in one of those phases for a while.  since summer, actually.
i don't know if it is because i've been out of the clinical setting, or because as i think about getting a job in the hospital, i'm not too thrilled with that idea.  
so here will be a test if i am excited or not. i know med-surge is a major bore, but still.
so we shall see. hopefully my post tomorrow isn't too disouraging.

i'm not a napper....at ALL.
they mess with me.  and i'd rather just sleep consecutively at night.
but today?  i totally napped.  i was EXHAUSTED. and it felt great.
i'm hoping i am not getting sick, since that's the only time i really crave naps.

my class went to scott's house tonight for dinner and the game 'fish bowl'
we had a really good time, but our class isn't 'clicking' like i had hoped. 
there are still those awkward pauses.  that is not a good sign this late in the game.
and while i can't expect them to all get along like family (HAH!), it would be nice if i didn't have to be constantly thinking about conversation starters. 

my first flag football game is tomorrow, but i'm not sure i'll feel like going.
with clinical, CE class and celebration later, i don't know if i'll want to be 'busy' anymore than that.
plus, i'll want to get some homework done.

but i better get to bed so that i am not dead tomorrow morning.
we're leaving at 6:35.  SO much better than last year.  
oh, the perks of being placed at a super close hospital (aka....it is 2 exits away.  boo yah!).

happy wednesday.  i hope you have a little more energy than i do!
p.s  TODAY is my sweet rory's 5th bday. 
i cannot believe it!  left him a message today, but don't think they will call me back {i think they are still upset with me}.
but i love him, so, and am thinking of him today!
some old-ish pics.
{i LOVE them}

{holy hair!}

i love you, rory monster, forever and ever!


He is faithful.

this weekend was fun, and i was barely productive.
saturday afternoon i went to see jersey boys with my family.
it is one of my favorite musicals, and i was reminded of how awesome it was.
it was even better than i had remembered.  

then, we went to dinner and then i headed to my bro's house.
that night, my sibs and i went out for my birthday.
can i just say i was super nervous to go with them.
i was worried they would pressure me, and i wouldn't be able to hold my ground.
but i was able to stay strong....and stay sober.
and i was reminded that the bars are NOT my scene.
i honestly don't know why i went, and feel very convicted for going.
i heard God telling me to stay home and honor my parents. but i didn't.  i quenched the Spirit, and that's one of the worst things i can do.
how am i to be used by God if i can't listen to Him?
i'm sorry for my actions and know God forgives. but i did it knowing i shouldn't go. and am dealing with all that right now.

{i love them to pieces!}

then i spent most of today doing homework.
this week is going to be hectic and i am not looking forward to it.
i have a med math test tomorrow--and i've yet to pass it on the first time in my nursing history. LOL.
tomorrow includes medications AND math.  so i'm praying for a miracle!
{it is no big deal if i fail....i just retake.  but it sure does hurt your ego!}

{sisterly love}

{all the pretty ladies}

{my siblings that are 'of age!'}
my sister and her bf are on a break and she is heart-broken.
my heart is breaking and aching for her.
and it is breaking my heart that i am not there with her.
please pray for her in this super hard time, i know she would appreciate it.

and my favorite pic from the night.  check out that 'tude.

{hello, sassy pants!}

i heard this song from elevation worship and it is speaking to me tonight.  i'm hurting for my sis, and trying to remember He is faithful.

never once did we ever walk alone.
never once did you leave us on our own.
you are faithful, God, you are faithful.
you are faithful, God, you are faithful.

He is faithful, even when we are not.
He is faithful, even when we don't want to believe it.
He is faithful, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
He is faithful.