
the last of malone.

the last week has been filled with lots of 'lasts', such as:
-last set of finals....ever.
-last, last week of classes....ever.
-last meal in the cafeteria....ever.
-last time doing laundry at malone....ever.
-last time i live in a community where everything i need is within a 7 minute radius....ever.
-last time checking my mail (in box 771), seeing the staff members i love, and being an undergratuate student....ever

tonight, i pack up all my things at Malone and prepare to move out, for the last time...ever.
it's amazing the flood of emotions and memories that have come to me today.
in many ways, i am ready to move on.  i am ready for what the world holds and how the Lord will choose to use me in the profession of nursing.
i am so ready to be done with the homework, tests, and stressful times that come along with being in a rigorous program, such as nursing. 
yet at the same time, it has been my home for the last 4 years.
4 years of memories, friendships, laughs, and cries took place here.

at Malone, i had my first (and second and third) 'official' date with guys.
for the first time, i had solid Christian friends who encouraged me in my walk with the Lord.
and i shared a room with someone other than my sister, as well as 'did life' with many women who had impacted my life.

songs were the 'theme' of the year, and listen to on repeat.
freshmen year was 'mmm what ya say' and 'body language', 'when a heart break no it don't break even' and 'down'.
senior year was '22', 'mirrors', 'right next to you' and many others.

at Malone, i have been shaped into the person i am.
it amazes me to think how my world view, perspective, and faith have changed since i was 18 years old. seems like i was such a baby looking back at it!

i am so thankful for Malone, and the place it will always hold in my heart.
my heart is so full!!  
what a BLESSING it was to learn and grow in the profession of nursing at a place where Christ's Kingdom is first.

i will walk around tomorrow {to take my final exit exam}, for the last time....ever.  
at least for a while.

God, you've been so good.
You knew what i needed in a college, and provided better than i could have imagined.  You are so faithful.
{p.s...tomorrow kayleigh, sara, rachel and i will depart in the evening for daytona, FL and then board a cruise saturday, for 6 days, to the bahamas. to say we're pumped is an understatement.  praying for safety--cruises have had some slight issues recently--and a fun time together!}


ann gardner, BSN

this past weekend was such a wonderful weekend.
my family came into town, and it was packed with events.
on friday, i had brunch, pinning, senior dinner and then baccalaureate.
dinner was so good and then the baccalaureate was done by dr. miller.
he is amazing, and did a fabulous job.
he focused on being thankful.
at one point asked us to close our eyes and think of 2 people who we are thankful for.
it was then that i lost it.  
i couldn't contain my tears.  not because of the message, per se, but because i am so thankful for my grandma, who recently died and was not able to join us.
it was just so hard to be without her (for the first 'big' event since her passing).
i was also so thankful for the way the Lord has provided for me.
it's been so amazing to reflect back.

saturday we had commencement and it was so special, too!
it lasted about 2 hours and then took pics with all my friends.  
it feels so good to be a graduate and an alumni.  
before i walked, my heart was pounding!  
and it was all a little bit of a blur.  

since saturday, i've moved into the Moroney's house (where i'll be this summer) and been at the NCLEX review.  
we're on our lunch break currently.

i leave for vaca in 2...count it, 1....2...., days.  
doesn't even seem real!


let the festivities begin!

the next couple of days are crazy up in here.
today consists of:
11 AM brunch with aweosme friends
1:30 (2-3 ish) be ready for pinning ceremony!
 5 is senior banquet/dinner
6:30 be ready for bacchelorate (starts at 7)
then tomorrow is the official day!

my parents and grandpa will be arriving in a couple hours.
missing the presence of my grandma so much already.
she was one of my biggest supporters, and it just isn't normal to celebrate this accomplishment without her cheering me on the whole way!  
i am thankful that graduation isn't about one specific day, but all the days of endless support from those who you love most leading up to that day.  
let the festivities begin!


last final....check.

not only is it may 1st (yayy) but i just had my LAST final.
it was super hard, i'll be honest, and i'm a bit worried about my grade.
but i am trusting in His faithfulness and provision.
how does it feel to be a free woman??  WONDERFUL!
and a little bitter sweet at the same time.
i'm so ready for what the future holds, but know it is a lot of unknowns. 

total side note: yesterday, i got the most beautiful flowers from rachel wo. 
they're STUNNING and made me feel so so loved.  
i'm so blessed to have her in my life. 

now i'm gonna go eat and live up the day by sitting outside int he gorgeous weather we've been having! 


life as of late.

lots of BIG things happening around here:

1) as of snday, i have finished my precepting in the ICU!  never again will i be a Malone University Nursing Student (MUNS) and never again will i wear that lovely "STUDENT" label under my name badge :).  

2) not only did i finish precepting, but i finished precepting on night shift (which i once thought would be the death of me!). helllloooo accomplishment.

3)  i have also learned to not only drink coffee these last 2 months, but drink it BLACK.  this has, indeed, made me feel more like an adult.

4) graduation is a mere 4 days away.  oh, the flood of emotions that fills me with this reminder!

5)  lastly (and the most fun thing lately) is that we leave for the cruise in 7 days.  count it!  that's so close.  we're pumped.  gonna be a fun time to eat, sleep, and tan with my girls.

my last theory final ever is tomorrow morning, so i should get studying.  
night shift has been hard because when i work 2 nihts in a row (like i did friday and sat night) it is hard to sleep at night.  i stayed up all day sunday and slept like a baby sunday night, but not so much last night.  i was up for hours throughout the night.  not. fun!  
praying for strength today to finish strong! 
He has been so faithful these 4 years, and i know He will be faithful now.  He is so good, even when i don't deserve any of it.


hurry up!

today, i had my last day of undergraduate classes ever.
such an awesome feeling.  and i had my last undergrad test {that went well}.
now just two days of precepting, finals, and we're done!
hurry up time!  
we are ready to see the finish line a bit closer :)


sooo much!

i know for a while i have struggled with how much to share on the internet.  there are times i feel i am 'too open', but then again, that's totally me.  
there are times i think 'stop instagramming your perfect life to other'.  (please tell me you read that article on revelant magazine.  so good!).  
anyways, it's hard ground.  
and overall, i love being able to document the times in my life.

there have been LOTS going on this last month.
1) first and foremost, my grandmother passed away on March 23rd, 2013.  exactly one month from today.  still hasn't sunk in.  it was a whirlwind of a month as i have spent catching up on lost assignment during that time.  she is with Jesus.  what a praise!  He has taught me so much through her death.  ask me about it sometime :)

2) graduation is 11 days away.  how did THAT happen!?  we had senior chapel last week which made me want to just give in the towel.  i am trying to finish strong!  it is so close

3)  this summer i get the joy to live with a family from my church.  they are such Godly people and i am so excited.  i will be working full time in the HR dept at a family business.  God provides, huh?!

4)  leaving for vaca the week after graduation.  we're pumped.  we even have a chain-link countdown--like the ones we used to have in kindergarden LOL.

5) my very best friend, rachel wo, got engaged!!  i think i posted about it, but she has asked me since then to be in the wedding.  it is my honor.  no date picked yet, although nov 23rd is looking like a strong contender.  it's such a blessing to see a friend choose and marry a Godly man

that's about all for now.  had my LAST nursing theory lecture ever yesterday.  Sweet Jesus, You have been so faithful during these last 4 years!  it seems like just yesterday i was a freshmen and graduation seemed so far away.  so unreal!