
too enthusiastic?!

tomorrow is our first theory exam of the semester.
considering how last semester played out, i am a bit nervous.
i am praying for strength and the ability to remember what He is teaching me.

my clinical instructor told me recently that i need to not be so enthusiastic when new tasks present themselves at clinical.
since when is it a bad thing to be excited about learning new tasks?! LOL.
{i got to do IVP's and TPN hanging.  new stuff.  so i was excited}.
i responded that i love life and feel it is a privilege to get to be His hands and feet through the profession of nursing.  
i told her that i feel we have a privilege to get to show His light to others.
i also said that i will try to tone it down to not be an annoyance or bother to the floor.

but really?!  i think it's a compliment that she sees i am full of LIFE.
why shouldn't i be full of life?!  
i am a child of God and get to live for Him each and every day.  
i see His mercy new each morning and am so humbled by His love, when i am so undeserving.  
i am honored to get to be His hands and feet through the career of nursing.  
and THAT brings me so much joy, excitement and enthusiasm!

but recently, i have had a hard time loving others--particularly those i live with.
i would really appreciate prayers as i am trying to change my attitude, and heart.
when others are disrespectful, hurtful, and other things, it's hard to still love.
but i want to love and serve no matter what the circumstance!  
the last couple days have been a bit rough--maybe my depression is setting in more now that the weather is actually getting colder (or at least it was.  today will be almost 60 degrees.  it's almost february....since when does this happen?!)
i love the summer so i am totally fine if this winter just passes right on by.

i have also been praying about being an RA.
several RA's/RD has inquired me about it but i don't know.
it's a big time commitment.
i'm almost leaning toward no, but want to be open to it all if it is what the Lord has in store.

so, i would really appreciate prayers on changing my heart and being able to love, unconditionally; my exam tomorrow; and rooming decisions next year.

happy tuesday!
i am just ready for wednesday to be over already :)


happy 21st birthday kayla-ayla!

tonight i got to take kayla out to celebrate her 21st birthday.
it was earlier in the week, but sometimes it's hard to go all out during the week.
plus, she had a floor dinner that night.
so tonight was a late celebration of kayla and all the years we've had with her.

she is such a blessing and i am honored to call her a friend.
she pushes me and helps me grow closer to the Lord daily.
she helps me to become a better daughter to the King.
she is striving for more of Him, and that makes me want more of Him, too.
she is a great RA and role-model for so so many.
she is a safe haven i can go to when i need to discuss things i've been wrestling with.

so tonight i took her to Bravo! for dinner.
we had some awesome food and then split some apple dessert.
we went back to her room and watched "Courageous". 
it is a new movie and if you haven't seen it, you should!
it is a Christian film by the people who did 'Fireproof'.
it is about being men of courage, especially in the house.
such an inspiring movie and i feel every male {and every women who wants to marry or have a male off spring} should watch this.

one of my biggest fears is not marrying a man who will be a spiritual leader.
this video shows it is possible and there are people striving for that.
and i just pray that the Lord brings them into my life on His time.
so go watch it.  you won't be disappointed.

{so so beautiful!}

{love her!}

{friends since freshmen year!}

i love you Kayla-ayla.  
you have enriched my life in one the little-less-than-three years i've known you.
so glad the Lord placed us in the same college experience class freshmen year.
once again, He proves that He knows what He is doing.
i pray this year blesses you more than any other, but more importantly that you grow closer to Him that much more!  
i love you so much and am thankful for you!



today i was in an oncology unit observing.
and i tell ya, it was wonderful.
there people are dying and are so full with life.
the nurses were awesome and loved having students.
and that in itself makes a HUGE difference when with them.

i did watch some of a bone marrow drawl and that wasn't my favorite ever haha.
i had watched most of it and then wasn't feeling too great.
so i left before i got worse.
had i been through the worst of it i would have been fine.  but i didn't know what was to come.
my nurse, traci, was awesome and got me some orange juice so i would feel better.
see what i mean?  so so nice.

i was listening to 2 sermons today that hit home a bit.
one was my home pastor, allister begg. 
he talked on revenge and how when we want to get revenge on our own, we are failing to rest in eternity. God says He will be the judge.  and we need to believe that.
i thought it was really good to just remember that we're not to seek revenge here.

then i was listening to newspring....one of my favorites.
it talked about taking the next step in your life. 
i am not sure what that is, and i am praying that the Lord shows me.

i'm exhausted and so ready for sleep.
have a theory exam this week and will start the studying tomorrow!


what's victoria's secret?

tonight we had this amazing lady come and talk to us about sex.
she is a sex therapist and answered all kinds of awesome questions.
she was so smart and you could tell she had a total passion for what she did.
it was titled 'what's victoria's secret?'.

i even got a chance to ask her afterwards how you handle friends who are Christians and yet are living in sexual sin over and over again.
that is something i've been struggling with recently.
beacuse i have some friends like that-some of those friends very close.
and in the Bible it says that if someone is actively in sin and claims to be a Christian, FLEE from them.  
and let's clarify that it's not just sexual sin.  but any sin.
and she said to just ask questions that make them think about it without being condemning.
and asking caring, yet deep, questions.

basically, she was aweosme.
and it just makes me wish that i was that passionate about what i did with my career.  
and i pray that whatever career i end up in the Lord is able to give me that deep deep passion.  
and that i can be using my gifts to be 'seductive for the Kingdom'.

and one of my favorite of her quotes:
'guys are like idiots...till they're 26'


heart pounding phone call.

woah, the week has gotten away from me.
the last several nights i would lie in bed and then tit would hit me i haven't written about today.
but i've been trying to wake up between 6 30 and 7 30 every day regardless of the two days i get to sleep in.  i'm trying to get back into a regimented schedule cause it makes getting up easier on those days off.  hence, why i didn't spring up out of bed.  but just drifted off instead.

this week has been good and a bit out of the ordinary.
the mom that i used to nanny for the last 4.5 years {and i wouldn't say we're on good terms currently} called me.
this person who used to be so involved with my life, and i in hers, called.
for the first time in over 5 months.
yeah.  i'll let that sink in for a minute.

i was sitting in theory class and i get a call from a 'restricted' number.
(side note: they restrict their number from everyone.....so this is not a number i restricted!!)
they're my only restricted number people i know, so i knew it was her.
my heart starts pounding and i know i have until 2 30 till i can call her back...it was 11 am!

i also knew that she picks the boys up around 3. and if i didn't get to her before then, i wouldn't hear from her for a bit.
she left a voice mail just saying that if i wanted to call her back she would be around.
real short and real happy.  which kinda confused me.
as if the last 5 months she hasn't purpousfully tried to stay out of my life.

anyways, i called her back and left a message, and it's been 3 days and i've yet to hear from her again.
the day she called i spent what seemed like the entire day in prayer.
prayers for wisdom, and prayers for strength.
i don't know why she called, but regardless, i wanted to show Christ in whatever was said.

i was hurt worse that i ever have been before when everything happened in august.
and the week before she called, they had been on my heart like crazy.
this was the progression of my prayers that week:

--Lord, please be with rachel and her family.  i pray they all come to know You and that the boys/girl follow Your ways.  
--Lord, i don't know why they're still on my heart.  i hope everything health wise is OK. be with them. show them they need You.
--ok Lord, whyyy are they on my heart?!  am i healing enough?  and do i need to be calling her to say i am sorry--which i have apologized, but just again--and just end on a good note?!

i wasn't sure if i was ready to call them.
i feel i've done a LOT of healing, especially since october.
and that was due to lots of prayer for Him to take away my bitterness.
so i thought i was healed and at a point where i could re-open the wound in a constructive way.
but then she called and i wasn't so sure.

so i just prayed like crazy.
and when i told two of my good friends, abby c. and bishop, you know they both did?
they both asked if they could pray with me right then and there.
how awesome are my friends? 
it gave me so much comfort to not only know their prayers for me, but to know that they cared enough to be praying for me.  
it was an awesome reminder of how blessed i am with the Godly people around me.

i am not sure when i'll talk to her or if she will call me again.
but regardless, will you pray for me?
i need prayers that i don't let bitterness speak into the conversation, but grace and love.
i need prayers that i can have strength that only He can give.  this conversation probably won't be easy.  they were as big of a part of my life as my own family.
i need prayers that i have the words to say and that they are not my own.

and when i was talking to bishop, i asked her how do i not let bitterness drive the conversation?  cause so much of me wants to NOT answer any questions about my life cause she didn't care before.  if she's a big part of my life she can't just choose when is convenient for her.
bishop told me to see what i'm not sharing about my life because i feel she doesn't 'deserve' it then that's not good.  but if i'm just guarding my heart, i have a reason to be careful.
so, i need prayers for the discernment as to whether i am withhold information out of bitterness, or out of a guarded and hurt heart (i want it to be the later).

my initial response with all of this was to yell:
'you have taken yourself intentionally OUT of my LIFE the last 5 months.  what makes you think you can just come right back in?!'

but i hear Jesus saying, 'you do the same to me. and i STILL love you'
and i am glad that i might get a chance to talk things out with her.
pray that i continue to heal, and that this conversation {whenever it happens} is God honoring. 

p.s..had clinical last night.  
didn't think i was going to get through the day, was soo tired!
but i got to do two IV pushes, and an IVPB (piggy back).
ANNNND i got to change the tubing on a TPN. 
it was a good night of 'firsts' and kept me busy.
and i was asked why i get so excited about things from dottie.

i should have responded with 'cause i love Jesus, fool.'


pour into others.

yesterday i got to see a good friend, amanda c., for dinner and a movie.
we saw 'footloose' and it was so so good!  
i had been wanting to see it and can't believe i waited so long.
it was also great to catch up with her.
time just gets away from both of us so quickly.

today church was great and i am so blessed by that group of people.
abby c. and i have had a lot of good conversations this weekend.
earlier today we were discussing the need to pour into others.
and i felt super convicted as we're sitting there talking about our HS lives.
how we were both so so arrogant and didn't want to listen to anyone.
and how we only would have listened to someone who was college-ish age.
we are really the age that most high school girls look up to.
and i would have peed my pants had a college girl come up and asked me if i wanted to get coffee with her.  and been tickled pink!

well, i felt super convicted because todd g. has been wanting me to get involved with the high school at VGF.  but i am so beyond intimidated with them and because it was uncomfortable, never pursued it.
but guess what.  Christianity isn't about being comfortable.
i really needed someone my current age, when i was their age.
cause i wasn't going to listen to anyone else.
and i just felt like maybe i should be praying about this more.

so, please join me in praying this week (and months) to come.
i can't do anything by my own power, but by His power i certainly can.
and maybe He calls me to pour into these girls.
and maybe not.  but i should be actively praying for wisdom, guidance, and opportunities if it is His will.  and more importantly, the openness to be OK with it all if that's what He wants.
regardless of my own insecurities
(side note: in church today we talked about things that were hard to give up being a Christian.  i mentioned my own 'wants' and 'desires' for His.  and surrendering to the fact that i don't know myself better than anyone else....hmm, i should listen to myself here.)
i'm seeing a common theme here the last several months, and i'm starting to listen--at least really trying to.
and i'm praying that the Lord can break me of these and use them for His glory!


week two, complete!

had clinical today and it was alright.
had a new pt who was a big 'happy' from damage to his brain from cocaine use.
he acted much like a while.
and asked me if i could have sex with him...uhhhh, what do you say to that?!?!
no, obviously.  but awk-ward!  

spent the evening working out, going to menchies, and talking/watching movies with abby c., molly h., damaris. was soo fun.
while working out it was molly, myself on elipticals and abby and damaris next to us on the treadmill.  all in line.  and all 4 t.v.s watching 'the princess diaries'.  i wish i had a pic!

these boys are way too cute for their own good!

{soo sweet and sooo smiley!}

{oh so serious}

{melt me!}

{so precious}

and week two is COMPLETE.
happy friday :).


men, wine, and chocolate.

i survived my first day of clinical for the semester!
no one died, so we're all good.
and today marked the LAST first day of any med-surge rotation.
i will not miss this rotation and am ready to have it behind me already!

i was pretty busy, which i didn't expect.
i barely had time to sit on my feet, so it made the time go a lot faster.

and i had an amazing patient.
she is a travel agent and we talked a lot about traveling {both of our passions!}
she was 74 years old, and when i asked her if she needed anything she replied,
'some good lookin men, some wine, and chocolate covered strawberries'

she might as well be my soul mate. LOL.
needless to say, it was a good night :).


a mentor and an answered prayer.

for the last several months i have been praying a lot about a mentor.
i feel they are SO valuable, and can help us young-ins to learn a lot about life.
for the last several months i haven't felt the Lord placing anyone on my heart.
i kept saying 'it would be awesome if they approached me, but i doubt that will happen.  so, Lord, place someone on my heart who you feel would be a good mentor'.
i particularly think that it is important since my relationship with my parents isn't the greatest.

and today, my friend abby c. and i were talking about mentors.
i told her i had been really praying about one and hadn't felt any answer.
and she said, what about the mom you babysit for {also named abbey}.
i thought oh my gosh!  why didn't i think of that sooner!
but then i said i need to pray about it cause i am sure she is busy with the boys, bball, and all the other day to day stuff that comes up.
so i left that conversation to go babysit, and was really encouraged that i might have a lead.  still not sure if it was the right lead, but a lead none the less.

lo and behold!
today i go to babysit and after all the normal kid stuff, abbey sits down and says, 'so you can answer either one or neither, whatever you want.  but i haven't been able to get into a bible study due to the boys.  and have really missed out on being involved at church.  so i didn't know if there were any bible studies that you have that you could pass along, or if you wanted to come early one day a week and do some study stuff?'

this is like exactly what i had been praying for!
and exactly what the conversation earlier had been about.
i am beyond excited, i can hardly contain it.
sometimes, God just has to slap me in the face to get it.
and honestly?  i love it when my prayers are answered exactly as i wanted (someone to approach me about the topic).  but i also know that often the Lord makes us step out in faith.
and maybe i need to be better at listening.  cause maybe He was telling me this.  and out of my own insecurities, and not wanting to be a bother to anyone, let that interfere.
and i hope that's not the case.  cause this time He might have worked it out this way, but i could be missing out on some amazing stuff if i'm failing to listen.

either way, i'm elated that the prayer has been--potentially--answered!
oh.  and of course, i went to txt abby c. about the awesome conversation. and what do i do?  i txt abbey who is going to be my 'mentor' type figure! BHAHA.
it was nothing but good stuff in the txt explaining that she wanted to get together and i was super excited, it's just still so embarrassing!!  
oh well.  that's the way the cookie crumbles :)

super long day at clinical tomorrow.
prayers would be awesome!

{they're starting to roll...constantly!  now my job starts to get hard haha}


game night!

saturday night i was up with my Passion peeps.
some of us girls had a girls night, and it was so fun!
we played cranium, mad gab, and had some good girl chat.

{deep in thought}

{the other team--emily, annie, abbey, kailey}

{my team!!  julia, susannah, me, kristin}

{me, susannah, julia....passion roomies, minus sarah!}

we had a long weekend so my week turned into being a 3 day week!  holla.


my prayer tonight.

i was sent this prayer by my dear friend, miriam.
we got to talk for several hours tonight and it was great.
she is such a blessing and i love how we are so honest with each other.
saw my Passion group today!  went to their church and it was awesome.
i feel it's been forever and it's only been a little over a week.
we had a game night last night and then i stayed the night with susannah.
kristin hosted and i was so tickled pink that they invited me.
will post pics when they're online!

read this amazing prayer.  i hope it resides in you as it did with me. 

A Prayer of Relinquishment

Today, O Lord, I yield myself to you.
May your will be my delight today.
May your way have perfect sway in me.
May your love be the pattern of my living.

I surrender to you
My hopes,
My dreams,
My ambitions.
Do with them what you will, when you will, as you will.

I place into your loving care
My family,
My friends,
My future.
Care for them with a care I can never give.

I release into your hands
My need to control,
My craving for status,
My fear of obscurity.

Eradicate the evil, purity the good, and establish your Kingdom on earth.
For Jesus sake, Amen.
(Richard Foster)


last bit of Passion.

here is the last bit of passion pics i'll share.
i can't believe just a week ago i was returning--feels like forever ago!
i am just still floored about how amazing and life changing it was.
all the awesome friendships, too.
God is so good, and truly knows what we need most, when we need it.

{john piper!}

{francis chan}

{lecrae, beth moore, francis chan, louie giglio, john piper. they all took turns reading the whole book of Ephesians}

{there were three 'r' words around the congress center.  throughout passion, every minute there was someone at the conference praying for it.  we all had 2 minute intervals of prayer.  mine was wednesday night from 9:22-9:24 pm.  after our prayer time, we were to place our sticker on one of these big letters.  so powerful!}

{close up.  i had the word courage}

{iPhone flash lights}


{our $8 personal pan pizzas.  how ridiculous right?  they weren't even that good.  but it was that or go without food from morning till 3 pm!  i get real cranky without food.  so there's my answer!}

{lunch one day! we were herded into these rooms where they had box lunches for us.}

{AJ, peter, josh}

the last night at Passion we did a prayer vigil. 
we all got candles and were to stand outside this hand that was representing freedom.
we were out there at midnight, and it was so powerful.
people started singing songs of worship while holding their candles. 
it was made news, and on CNN.  and what an amazing opportunity to be a part of it all.

{the hand}

{lights everywhere}

{me and susannah with the hand}

{more and more candles}

{aerial view...how incredible}

then, we headed home.  and we stopped at applebees on the way!

{susannah, peter, julia, me}

tonight i spent the evening with abby.
we had coffee in her room, did a walmart run, and then went to the devol hall lobby show.
but when we got there, we stopped in her bf's room, jonathan, and played some rock band!!
i looove that game so much.  and it was super fun.
then we watched some singers and then headed back.
and her and i stayed up till 2 am talking.
she was sharing a lot of personal stuff with me, and i was so so grateful.
it was such a great night and a great first weekend on campus!

and the whole time i kept thinking--had i not gotten conjunctivitis (which i think was just an allergic reaction to my purple eye liner now that i look at it all) i would have been babysitting till 10 pm yesterday and not had time with her.  and how awesome it is to see how the Lord worked in that situation.

{wow.  can't wait to go back!}


hello spring semester.

i went from having  a ton of time to post, and having more ideas than just one post a day, to not having that much time at all!!  proof that another semester is in the works.

i was with the boys the other day and they are HUGE. 
not really, but so much bigger than they were.
and so much more smiley!
i loooove smiley babies!

{mr. chunk}

{melt my heart!}

then, yesterday susannah and i got together.
caught up on life and a little about Passion.
this morning i work up with what i'm pretty sure is pink eye.  
so my babysitting for the rest of the week is cancelled.
and it's day 4.  i have conjunctivitis and i just want to be home :(.
the dr here told me it wasn't pink eye--the exact same thing he told me 8 months ago.
and sure enough, i had a TERRIBLE case of pink eye a couple weeks later.
i'm hoping this doesn't turn into that.

so after an 8 hour day in the lab, i had to head to the pharmacy.
and when i was walking in, abby c. was walking out.
and so we talked and she waited for me.  her friendship is such a blessing.
i look like i've been crying all day, and she's one of the one people who notices.  
i wasn't crying, but the fact that no one else asked was a bit surprising haha.

first day of clinical orientation starts tomorrow--and it's my last med-surge rotation EVER.
and after our long 4 hour lecture and 3 hour lab today.
and i'm soooo wishing i was not in nursing!
but i'm trusting that the Lord has me here for a reason.
and i may not know that reason for a while, but i need to be faithful in the meantime.


great grandma's ring.

yesterday was the first day of classes, and many will my monday's be busy!
i cannot believe another semester is in the brewing.  
and yet, i'm so ready to be back at home (haha!).

but right before i left, my mom gave me the most beautiful gift.
she gave me my great (possibly great, great) grandmothers ring.
i feel so honored, and yet so unworthy, of the gift.
my mom told me that she wanted me to look at it and remember:

'this diamond was made by being under pressure for a long time.  and after all that pressure it became something beautiful.  and you only have a couple more years with all this stress and pressure, and then you'll be able to do something beautiful'

um, yeah.  like i said.  so undeserving!
it's be-a-utiful! and i've already gotten compliments.
i just love it so so much!

{so in love with it!}

{no, it's not on my left hand!}

i've already looked at it a handful of times and remembered what my mom said. and how encouraging this ring is meant to be.
i looove it.  i mentioned that, right??

and today i got to see the twins for the first time in a month!
they're so so big!
some cute pics coming soon.
oh.  and i got projectile vomited on today.  welcome back!


the good stuff about passion 2012.

i alluded to it before, but explaining Passion 2012 and all that went on is going to be difficult.
there just really aren't words for the way that the Spirit was moving and the way the Lord's love was so deeply revealed
but i will try my best, because i want to remember as much as i can forever.
bare with me as i unpack some of it here.  some will be quotes, some will be other thoughts.

during worship:
'worship without change is just a game.'

the first speech was louie giglio.
he talked about spiritual death and how in Luke 7:11 he makes a dead man come to life!
and how the time is NOW.  it's not later.  
this guy is being carried on a stretcher, and any of us have our own 'stretchers', whether that's wounds, relationships, ect., that our carrying us to our death.
i know i mentioned earlier that i knew my unforgiven attitude was playing into this.
we need to put the past behind us and move on.
Jesus can raise the DEAD!!  he can conquer anything we could throw His way.
louie then talked about how the theme for the Georgia Dome is "rise up".
and how that needs to be our motto as Christians, for Jesus. 
also, a Rabi {aka Jesus} was not to touch the unclean.  but He willing touches this man to make him come to life.  Jesus wasn't worried about what He was supposed to do.  but what He was called to do.
'we are DEAD without Him.  we weren't bad, un-churched, needed bailed out.  we were DEAD.  BUT, He made us alive again.  by grace. not of works, so we can't boast.'
'the Gospel is about who you are trusting your life with.'

next was beth moore
she was working in luke 8:40-55 (specifically the interruption in vs 43-48).
this is the women, and then child, who had been bleeding/sick for 12 years.
she was unclean and no one would touch her:
'but we cannot be unclean enough to make a mess of Jesus. our need for healing is bone deep.  we need cleansed.  and at the same time, we cannot forget we've been cleansed'
when everyone else didn't think of her as a priority, Jesus did....just as He thinks we are all priorities.
and how Jesus didn't make it hard for her to reach out.  He is reachable!:
'we don't have to sit and wait, we can reach out and grab on!'
but He is so so powerful.  He was touched by this women and power left him.  then He went and raised a dead man to life!  she had faith in Him.
'faith drove the touch that welcomed the healing'

christine caine (works with sex trafficing in Australia) spoke one afternoon.
she was in John 17:15 and Luke 10:30.
'Jesus interrupts ordinary things to do amazing things'
she discussed how it's easy to think of this as a statistic, 27 million slaves, but they all have names.
'the one thing Jesus went to the cross for was people.'
and as Christians, we were not called to have safety and comfort.  they aren't the goals of christianity.  we are to be lights.  and they work most effectively in darkness:
'we don't need to fear the darkness, we need to take the light into the darkness.'

on tuesday night, we had the amazing franis chan speak.
he talked a lot about scripture and how important it really is.
without being in the word, EVERY aspect of our lives are affect (prayer, ect).
it is important to not just listen to what others say about Jesus, but be discovering ourselves.
'look at someone's life to see if they remind you of Jesus, not just their accreditation'
we are to be prepared in all seasons. we can't believe the lies.
'you read the Bible and do what it says'
{this message really hit home as i have been believing a lot of lies the last several months}

the last big speaker before the last session was the john piper 
he is a genius anyways and so passionate and blew this message out of the park.
he talked about seeing and savoring Jesus Christ, how being satisfied in Him frees us from bondage, and how faith saves us from slavery.
'saving faith is being satisfied in all He is'
'He is supreme in every way over everything...there isn't a square inch on planet Earth where Jesus doesn't yell 'MINE''
'when you do what you want and it coincides with His will is true freedom.  having no regrets!'
'little hearts give little lusts big powers.  but big hearts give big lusts no power'
'it's a desire, not a decision'
he had so much more that i missed and can't take the time to write.  listen to his pod-cast!

ben stewart (the awesome leader of Glitter Green!) quotes throughout the whole entire week:
'your identity determines your activities and decisions and the type of person you are in this world'
'we are never free.  you always serve someone--either God or Satan.  we're slaves!  but you choose to which one'
'we are children of His wrath when we don't have His grace.  we're dead, we're lost.  and i can't fix me.  we're in a bad situation and can't get out alone'
'the gospel does not take me from 'bad' to 'good' but from DEATH to LIFE' 
'we're not beautiful, but ugly people united within a beautiful One'
'it doesn't matter what others think, only our owner can have the final say.  He made us, we are His.  He made us to do good.  that means our life is not a waste!'
'He didn't give all the gifts to one person--we need each other to fulfill the kingdom...when we walk in community it's a powerful thing!'
'if you love God, you love His children'
'to get his 'fruits' we must go to Him daily and hourly'
'be moment by moment dependent'
'the ability to love Him and see Him as lovely is a gift!'
'salvation is not the absence of the struggle with sin.  that's HEAVEN. that's why we want to go there.  one confirmation of life is that we do struggle'
'the trick for us to struggle well is to go after Him!  and the biggest defense is offense.  and the best offensive weapon is the Word of God'

the last morning louie ended things.
he was in Luke 7:11 and how we are to boldly proclaim the gospel.
but not with volume, but with confidence!
and the day that we're given life in Him is the way we start doing significant works.  we don't have to wait.
'brokenness is the bow that God uses to launch the arrow of healing'
'how do you minimize your fear? maximize the idea that i am already chained to the unchainable Jesus who will never be stopped and will always triumph!'
and one of my favorites--from ben:
'God spoke and the world came into being.  He didn't stutter.  He can speak clearly...ask Him to do so'

and one of my favorite quotes from our local group was from tim k.
'you know you have a long walk to where you're going when the door holders are cheering you on!' 
and i tell ya, ain't that the truth!  but they did a great job encouraging.

i hope this adds a little glimpse into Passion 2012.  
words honestly cannot do justice.
throughout the conference, we raised $3,066,607 to end slavery!
my God is BIG!